13 Archetypes: Post-Event Feedback Form

Hello, agents. We hope everyone enjoyed the 13 Archetypes Challenge. If you'd like to see more puzzles like this in the future, please help by giving your constructive feedback on this form:
This exercise was quite difficult for all the people who participated, and it would be nice if they gave a medal with one to three categories for all participants. It has been a great team or individual challenge that has taken us not a day, a week or a month, but about 6 months. Thank the entire team that creates these investigations and missions for all of us to enjoy. Best regards
Loved it and while I definitely did need a mental break, I found myself missing my Monday challenge and would love to have another regular challenge pop up. Can't wait to see what the decode team has in store for us next :)
wee need new game mechanics in scanner, but not tons of this puzzles.
The process of the game itself must change, and riddles must intersect it. They must be in a certain amount, so as not to spoil the game. But what have we been seeing lately? Some riddles and decoding but not a single new mechanics in the game.
Yes i want new game mechanics... nobody that i know local players doesnt even bother with the puzzle lore... most just play and dont follow these puzzle events... its only a small % of players that follow this and bother.. But keep it but please consider adding new stuff in scanner where most obviously play and use.
We were promised new game stuff once we get rid of redacted now that all niantic games runs on Unity engine so i hope something new and fun will come along with the decoding puzzle types..
It would be hard to implement a tiered decoding badge due to the current mechanics of passcode redemption. Maybe a forum badge for now until we see the passcode server changed.
Good morning, @NianticOfficial !
On 12/04/2019 the NIA announcement on facebook talked about the event "13 Archetypes Challenge" the first challenge would be launched on 12/09/2019, and a curious message "the 13 Archetypes form a Magnus." 🤩
On 06/12/2019 @Truthseeker posted here on the Forum that he was authorized to tell us all the details. And he hopes that we can still defeat Nemesis, @Truthseeker tells us about a folder that the NIA had access to was called "What makes a Magnus". PAC's words: "We suspect that, in the end, decrypting this data will give us a deeper picture of Magnuses, the archetypes and possibly even how the main artifacts are linked to all of this."
Last updated: 4/2/2020
if there was a promise of a layered badge on the agents' scanner, would the event have more resolvers? abcdefghijklmnopqrztuvwxyz
Me As someone who never participated in Ingress decoding groups before these challenges, I must say that it was a positive and very good experience, as I joined incredible people in the Global Resistance community. I hope that more challenges like these continue to happen as we are in quarantine because of Covid-19.
Should I say that I have had no frustrations? Not! It was frustrating for me, because even after such dedication, knowing that the solvers sent several feedback on the forms. The answer was; the silence about the final result of the 13AR event, and the formation of the 13AR in Magnus as disclosed on facebook.
The 13AR Challenge is in the category of events and everyone has medals for event memories, (Anomalies, Field Tests, First Saturdays, Hexathlons, Mission Days, NL-1331, TKO, Special Events).
For some, it was their first contact with decoding and a great experience, it is a pity that this effort has not yet been reflected in the scanner with a participation medal.
If it has already been announced in "Tessellation Medals FAQ" that the 13AR will not qualify for the Paragon medal or the Knight medal. Can 13AR solvers still expect a surprise? Or have the secrets after the 13AR challenge already come to an end?
Publicação em Português (pt-BR)
Bom dia, @NianticOfficial !
No dia 04/12/2019 o anúncio da NIA no facebook falava sobre o evento "13 Archetypes Challenge" o primeiro desafio seria lançado em 09/12/2019, e uma mensagem curiosa "os 13 Arquétipos formam um Magnus." 🤩
No dia 06/12/2019 @Truthseeker publicou aqui no Fórum que foi autorizado a nos contar todos os detalhes. E tem esperança que ainda podemos derrotar Nemesis, @Truthseeker nos conta sobre pasta que a NIA teve acesso se chamava "O que faz um Magnus". Palavras do PAC : "Suspeitamos que, no final, descriptografar esses dados nos dará uma imagem mais profunda de Magnuses, os arquétipos e, possivelmente, até de como os artefatos principais se vinculam a tudo isso."
Última atualização: 02/04/2020
Será que se houvesse promessa de distintivo em camadas no Scanner dos agentes, o evento teria mais solucionadores? abcdefghijklmnopqrztuvwxyz
Eu Como alguém que nunca participou de grupos de decodificação do Ingress antes desses desafios, devo dizer que foi uma experiência positiva e muito boa, pois me juntei a pessoas incríveis na comunidade Resistência Global. Espero que mais desafios como esses continue acontecendo já que estamos em quarentena por causa do Covid-19.
Devo dizer que eu não tive frustrações? Não! Foi frustrante para mim, pois mesmo depois de tamanha dedicação, saber que os solucionadores enviaram vários feedback no forms. A resposta foi; o silêncio sobre o resultado final do evento 13AR, e a formação dos 13AR no Magnus como divulgado no facebook.
O Desafio 13AR está dentro da categoria eventos e todos possuem medalhas de recordações dos eventos, (Anomalies, Field Tests, First Saturdays, Hexathlons, Mission Days, NL-1331, TKO, Special Events).
Para alguns, foi o primeiro contato com a decodificação e uma ótima experiência, é uma pena que esse esforço ainda não tenha sido refletido no scanner com uma medalha de participação.
Se já foi anunciado em "Tessellation Medalhas FAQ" que o 13AR não o qualificará para a medalha Paragon nem medalha knight. Os solucionadores de 13AR ainda pode esperar uma surpresa? Ou os segredos após o desafio 13AR já chegou no seu FIM?
Fueron 13 semanas que esperaba cada día lunes para realizar dicho evento fue algo que gusto mucho a varios agentes que lo siguieron, por lo que veo dicho 13 AR se encontraba en el post de evento, si se observa cada evento publicado es con medalla, que cambio que esté no fuera así?
Fue entretenido participar y conocer a muchos agente de todo el mundo para intercambiar ideas y competir por un ranking, que NIA otorgó y deben saber quién cumplió con el total de los 13AR.
Esperando que sea considerado por se. NIA.
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I agree with that. we had great efforts, we encouraged the community to participate. the images shown suggested that we would win something, which was not done, we only invested our time.This is very frustrating