13 Archetypes: Explorer

This is challenge 9, the Explorer challenge. Those who are keen of mind will find their way to a unique reward, and a place of glory. When you find your solution, enter the Passcode at https://intel.ingress.com/intel
To see the results of the 13 Archetypes decoding challenge, visit https://ingress.com/decoding/13archetypes
The next challenge (Alchemist) will be posted next week, at 2/10/2020 14:00+00:00.
Omg so excited
Decode this.
The key is
I can see in the south left to image a big RM
Me too. Could "RM" refer to Reed-Muller code? 🤔
All the letters in the key are in the second half of the alphabet.
i believe the only characters in the key are
n o p q r s t u v w z , . #
If I use the hash as a linebreak, I have 14 lines. and the format of the key seems to become
[2 or 3 letters].[8 letters],[1 to 4 letters].[8 letters]#
z only appears in the first character of xx.xxxx
i went down that rabbit hole and don't know if i'm on a good track or bad track, treated as gps coords but no portal or anything significant at the first set unless i didn't do a convert in the right order
It looks to me that the period might be a linebreak dividing the text into 29 separate lines with all of them except the first and last having a similar format with alternating symbols.
I am on a similar track, but the first two gives me something.
Hopefully that is the right direction.
the characters would give you a hint what this is.
I am not even close to understand what i am seeing 😅 but if RM is Reed Muller then could be a H. Matrix.
You should only break lines with the hash, not comma.
Hehe, the missing XY and the GPS coordinate like style of the characters really seem to point to a coordindate system of some sort...
Using the missing xy I thought somethign like this made sense, just don't have the time to test right now:
So the first could be something like: zqq.vorntuvr = -33.81406784
a location in NSW,Australia and Paris,France? i can't see a connection :(
I have tried all locations, none of them can point to a portal. Even not all of them can clearly relate to a city.
They all land in ground though, I am sure this is a right direction because we are trying to solve a Explorer challenge.
perhaps someone notable that traveled to those areas in that order?
this r u became a wake up and the first thing I start to see. 😴😴😴😴😴
what does that "M1" mean, when entering the code in the passcode field? :think: :D
Thank you very much for this one!
Was very enjoyable!
Nia, what you playing at....
oh boy, this was quite the roller coaster ride.
thank you!
i don't like roller coasters, they make me sick :(
any tips for us stuck on the ride?
Once I saw from above, it was straight to the finish line
Now to sleep xD
Enjoy it 😄