Ingress Community Forums
General discussions
Category List
100 discussions 39 comments Most recent: Upcoming Changes to the Ingress Community Forum by NianticOfficial March 26
6 discussions 95 comments Most recent: Updates to the Forums - 8 July 2021 by Perringaiden January 2023
Community and Discussion
A place to hold general conversations about Ingress with your fellow Agents.4.3K discussions 65.3K comments Most recent: Hosette's infrequent request: Please let us recycle all purchased items by MrNateJo April 3
Discuss Ingress events, from Anomalies to Missions Days, First Saturdays, and more!1.5K discussions 14.7K comments Most recent: Redfection - The XM Parasite by Perringaiden April 2Child Categories: Anomalies, Decoding Challenges, Field Tests, First Saturdays, Hexathlons, Mission Days, NL-1331, TKO (Tactical Kinetic Operations), Special Events
Did you create some cool field art, make significant fields, or travel to somewhere interesting via Ingress. Post your situation reports, after action reviews, or just humble brags here.430 discussions 1.8K comments Most recent: Cryptic Memories - Connected Cell NR02-KILO02-02 Cork, Ireland by TheDooza March 27
What is the Niantic Project? Beware the rabbit hole. The world around you is not what it seems.1K discussions 37.2K comments Most recent: A Temporary Hub for the New Investigators by KarM3L March 31
The place for monthly AMAs, Developer Insights, and other similar activities.159 discussions 2.7K comments Most recent: Need new CMU capsule(s) to hold medias by KarM3L March 31
Support and Feedback
Surface unexpected behavior and suspected bugs with Ingress2.4K discussions 13.4K comments Most recent: I can sign in due to Last Updated 2024 by bobdobbz April 3
2.2K discussions 10.2K comments Most recent: [enhancement] medal requirements not shown when viewing other agents stats by GorillaSapiens June 2021
928 discussions 13.5K comments Most recent: Wayfarer rating not improving by Lightseagreen April 2021
What do you think of the new Ingress Community? Let us know what type of improvements you'd like to see and what you're enjoying.823 discussions 2.9K comments Most recent: Micro management is tedious and doesn't add to the game by MoogModular April 3