13 Archetypes: Visionary
Niantic › admin
This is challenge 3, the Visionary challenge. Those who are keen of mind will find their way to a unique reward, and a place of glory. When you find your solution, enter the Passcode at https://intel.ingress.com/intel
To see the results of the 13 Archetypes decoding challenge, visit https://ingress.com/decoding/13archetypes
The next challenge (Skeptic) will be posted next week, at 12/30/2019 8:00+00:00.
Post edited by NianticThomas on
I thought this is a troll post again omg
I can see the subtext but I can't work out it's relevance...yet.
The Visionary – Victor Kureze
To some, you may appear ordinary. They have not witnessed your true potential. To reach into the very fabric of the universe and see a distant time, a distant place, a distant truth. Few wield such power.
a <valued> walked unproductive productive
zombie decentralisationist abaddon
inexpressive unexpressive traditionalists
rationalises <rationalised> <nationalism>
nationalist hypercholesterolaemia
Talk about setting the calibration.
does this challenge involve picture editing or is it all here? I feel like I am completely missing something.
@punchingcat The suffix seems strange on the ??? hint, would have thought it would be ????
Let's just say it's <distant> for every time it's stated.
I thought this too at first? but maybe that's not a defined protocol?
My general expectation is that a "magic word" should be bracketed on both sides by numbers, to make it easy to parse.
So my first guess is that the dim ones are numbers, although it does seem unusual to have so many...
I am guessing the format of the passcode is:
aa#a#akeywordaaaa ?
Abaddon could be keyword?
16 words there, what made you choose that one?
Abaddon has been the keyword in many other codes. It may be for this one as well.
Im guessing because they've used it before. Trying to decide if that's enough reason.
Got it, too!
To some, you may appear
ordinary. They have not
witnessed your true potential.
To reach into the very fabric
of the universe and see a
<distant> time, a <distant> place,
a <distant> truth. Few wield
such power.
a <valued> walked unproductive productive
zombie decentralisationist abaddon
inexpressive unexpressive traditionalists
rationalises <rationalised> <nationalism>
nationalist hypercholesterolaemia
This was not the case for either of the previous two passcodes.
Woohoo! Still not entirely sure I trust the passcode hamsters. 😜
16 words. 16 char passcode?
Seems likely. the code in the bottom right is 15 characters though. 16 implies a 6 length keyword. 15 implied a 5 length keyword.
@punchingcat @starwort @Toxoplasmolly @grider80 give us a clue please 🙏
Why is this quote:
“The Visionary – Victor Kureze
To some, you may appear ordinary. They have not witnessed your true potential. To reach into the very fabric of the universe and see a distant time, a distant place, a distant truth. Few wield such power.”
being discussed here when it’s not part of the puzzle?
Why do you think it's not part of the puzzle? @DrHydrosaur
You can see it as background text in the puzzle itself...
Isn't that shadow words in the background of the picture? So people think it has something to do with it.
Thanks ... missed that on my phone
... I feel like I'm missing something might have to sleep on this
it looks so familiar.. but I can't think this late on a Sunday evening.. may need to sleep on this too.
Coming from the past archetypes, I guess the password is probably something like:
(6 characters)KEYWORD(13ar)