once you have the correct 1-7 there is a decoder on https://www.dcode.fr/ that will convert to 13 alpha/numeric, do one group at a time or the decoder gets messed up.
There seems to be exactly one ordering which divides the elements into 13 ordered segments. However, if that's right, I'm not seeing quite what to do here. Are we looking for a word or just random letters?
hmm perhaps https://www.dcode.fr/en will get me farther. Minus the part where it's an unsearchable unnamed cipher. Something that only uses characters 1 through 7 in the encoded text? How does one search for that, pray tell?
This un-named and un-searchable encoding method. Does it require that the cipher output ONLY has characters 1 through 7? or are we just "lucky" to have a subset of its potential output?
So I have a series of 53 characters, which are digits 1-7. And the decoding tool required to get to stage 4 uses input that is NOT these digits 1-7. And the cipher's name is something which, if named other-than-mysteriously-and-obliquely, will give away the puzzle, as nobody has as of yet named it by now?
I already found all the elements and I still don't know what to do with them ... I tried to follow some tips like "ElementX", but nothing to find a solution for that.
I've tried basic color separation and nothing visually was given away. I've looked at the PNG metadata and aside from chunked encoding nothing there I can see. Thinking it has to be something with stenography or something low level with the file
Each element gets a number 1-7. I used "1", "_2", "__3", "___4", etc. And when it was all drawn out in a monospace font, it kind of leapt out at me
stuck on stage 4, how does one "delve deeper" ?
The more of us you can help explain the 3rd's encoding method to, the sooner we can help see things you didn't ;-)
Okay I did that and assuming that it doesn't matter which element is which number I should see a pattern now?
It does matter. You won't see it unless you have the right numbers (if I'm correct about this, I don't know what to do with the 13 groupings)
How do I know which element gets each number?
once you have the correct 1-7 there is a decoder on https://www.dcode.fr/ that will convert to 13 alpha/numeric, do one group at a time or the decoder gets messed up.
All I want to say is that it's not random and there's a logical way to order them.
I’m pretty sure I have the correct 13 ordered sequences but absolutely no idea what to do with them
There seems to be exactly one ordering which divides the elements into 13 ordered segments. However, if that's right, I'm not seeing quite what to do here. Are we looking for a word or just random letters?
word + 2 numbers, segments are also another hint for the decoding stage
je nuh parl paw luh frawn-says
hmm perhaps https://www.dcode.fr/en will get me farther. Minus the part where it's an unsearchable unnamed cipher. Something that only uses characters 1 through 7 in the encoded text? How does one search for that, pray tell?
Well, according to my sources, the first entry in the List of 53 is the third classically.
Does this hold true for the puzzle as well?
It doesn't get messed up if you insert spaces between the groups
This un-named and un-searchable encoding method. Does it require that the cipher output ONLY has characters 1 through 7? or are we just "lucky" to have a subset of its potential output?
Ummm .., “Well done thank you for your participation” ?!$&.
edit: ok, deeper .. but I hate image manipulation puzzles
How do you have to divide this into these 13 groups? This is still unclear to me...
It's both named and searchable.
the way others were wording it on this thread is what clued me in
1-7 will need to be translated to the cipher valid input symbols
ah i had new lines between, didn't try spaces.
this is where i'm trying to "Delve deeper" without luck currently :(
Not completely understanding what you mean, but I don't think so. I found @0X00FF00 's comment to be very helpful.
I've got a way to order the elements. Am I on the right track?
Element to common alchemy association
Common alchemy association to another common association.
Not spoiling is tough...
Im still confused can someone message me on telegram to find out if I'm on the right track I just want some confirmation I'm doing something right
There is a wiki page that lists the elements in the required order of the particular attribute of the element that affects it's place in this list
So I have a series of 53 characters, which are digits 1-7. And the decoding tool required to get to stage 4 uses input that is NOT these digits 1-7. And the cipher's name is something which, if named other-than-mysteriously-and-obliquely, will give away the puzzle, as nobody has as of yet named it by now?
Something Todo with 1-7 and segments, surely that gives something away?
At step 4, deeper and deeper, are we still looking for a tiny.cc string?
In your opinion, do we NEED software for step 4? I'm sort of hooped if that's the case.
I already found all the elements and I still don't know what to do with them ... I tried to follow some tips like "ElementX", but nothing to find a solution for that.
Element1, Element2... Or E1, E2 ...
I've tried basic color separation and nothing visually was given away. I've looked at the PNG metadata and aside from chunked encoding nothing there I can see. Thinking it has to be something with stenography or something low level with the file