How to get the values for the bottom boxes from the top riddle.
The left "anomaly teams" riddle should be obvious. Take the significant ID of the team for each agent.
The middle "Kakuro" puzzle. The Kakuro puzzle itself deals with calculating sums. Maybe that's relevant for how to get the values for the lower boxes.
The right "crosswords" puzzle. Note that the coloured borders always goes around two adjacent boxes. Then look at the values you see inside these boxes. Maybe the range of values suggests they can be looked up in some table?
Tip: Check your solution of the three top riddles with someone who has already solved the whole challenge to see they are correct in the first place.
Okay. You need to fill in the grid with numbers; each letter on the grid has a corresponding entry in the cluster above the grid.
Two of the letters have numbers directly associated with them; the rest of them have equations.
Some of the equations can be solved with just the initial two numbers.
Some of the equations need you to solve other equations first.
One equation might seem like it's wrong, but it actually does have a solution that works in the grid.
And one equation produces an answer that doesn't work in the grid.
Stuck at the same point here.
The keyword part doesn't make sense and I don't see how the Dreamer trick would work here for the missing number.
Looking at the sequence as a whole doesn't help for me :(
How to get the values for the bottom boxes from the top riddle.
The left "anomaly teams" riddle should be obvious. Take the significant ID of the team for each agent.
The middle "Kakuro" puzzle. The Kakuro puzzle itself deals with calculating sums. Maybe that's relevant for how to get the values for the lower boxes.
The right "crosswords" puzzle. Note that the coloured borders always goes around two adjacent boxes. Then look at the values you see inside these boxes. Maybe the range of values suggests they can be looked up in some table?
Tip: Check your solution of the three top riddles with someone who has already solved the whole challenge to see they are correct in the first place.
Hit me up on telegram. I’ll help ya out :)
Wow! Was able solve it using pen, paper and my fingers. Time to rest my brain. :-)
when memories of the past suddenly show up and keep you from seeing the obvious
Looked at the sequence again, fixed 2 characters out of the middle 7 and the keyword jumped at me.
Not sure why online solver gave me a consistent numeric answer when I ignored the hint off by 9 and the result could still go wrong.
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I'm Enlightened