Level 5, please
Apparently you need an as yet undetermined number of Likes/Insightful points to be able to do anything useful in the community (like post links/images), so no sense in not trying to achieve that in as succinct a manner as possible.
So if you all wouldn't mind helping me game the system, I'm happy to do the same to those who post below 👍
So, by making comments and community at large liking those posts, increases you level? I might have to make more posts
Makes sense. I'm just curious about the reason they did such a thing
I'm just trying to determine what gives higher level. Right now I'm trying to give likes to posts i really love and use "find" to look for interesting posts.
Sounds like AP, I'd like a bit more please.
Very insightful.
Gaming the system on day 1... Insightful & liked. :D
This is going to get flooded but as it stands, the portal appeals process is next to impossible, so I'm willing to help out.
oh my, another "click to win" system : |
hmm, and a hard choice, do I like or insightful more, as only one of them seems to be alowed 🤔
@Barthax Unfortunately you can only do one of the two. A useful insight! 👍
Likes for links? Can we has cake too? 🍰
And do multiple comments on the same subject give the same level of likes/insightfulness benefit. As in , the total, or the highest.
Update: total insights and likes, are from all comments, regardless of which post or number of comments.
@Korzhak so it seems. Definitely insightful. :D
Does this help :-)
Does this help :-)
It definitely helps, yes.
All's fair in love and war! 😂
It definitely helps, yes.
So does this! 👍
I'm just waiting for the badges and higher level tiers to turn up...
L5 = 500 post/comment karma + gold total (hyper)links + gold total characters? 🤔
It definitely helps, yes.
So does this! 👍
indeed 💥 😎
We can call this my sojourner post 😂
@GridEXE Only if you post every day and like every post above it 😉
If I had anything important to add to this conversation, I would say something insightful.
@Pangarban It can just be liked for what it is - no need for there to have to be some deep insight.
@Pangarban That is, in itself, actually quite insightful.
@to1027me has posted a useful insight regarding the levels - 50 for L2, 100 for L3, and [at time of posting] >325 for L4.
@Terrance I was hoping someone would warm to that comment.
Where do we check our numbers?
Just tap your avatar and check your points. You are up to 3 at time of writing.
I don’t like the idea buti’ll click on links when’s pe post them.
this is seriously slow
@Korzhak: ...[at time of posting] >325 for L4.
Assuming they're just running with the default forum options, L4 is 500 points and L5 is 1,000.
Also, I hope there's a nice level-up animation and field kit to look forward to.