Why enlightened never gain anything when they win.?
Resistance won once, yet they have a unique medal and a dedicated glyph sequence.
But enl never win anything for enlightened.
We lose ada (lol) lore advance (not only enl)
Why do niantic hate enlightened so much ?
Niantic, I bring to your attention that members of our faction have not yet received information from the cube, which was transferred to the organizers of the anomaly. This information is important for most agents of our faction. Therefore, I ask you to intervene and take action!
It has not even been 4 days since the Anomaly. Please, just wait. The POC's have lives to lead outside of Ingress. If and when the info is ready for release then IT WILL BE. Posting stuff like this is not helping.
I often hear this. Is there a list of what prizes have been given out to Anomaly winners somewhere?
How long does it take in our enlightened age to scan or photograph a couple of pages of text or upload a video file received from Niantic to YouTube? No more than half an hour.
Or how long does it take to at least release an official statement through secure channels of enlightenment that - "we are still busy, we will try to post the files in the near future" ???
And by the way. And by the way. I ask you to remember this incident. Carries Journal was made public after a year or so.
Niantic could have planned the results for both sides beforehand. That way they could have told everyone the outcome for winning. Much like both teams in the super bowl already have hats and shirts designating themselves as the winner before the game even starts. But, Niantic.
I would have liked green xm for a week, a “series win glyph sequence” and of course an additional medal.
it’s insane it hasn’t happened, and even Brian stating resistance will win the war at the after party, even though he plays enlightened.
it’s a bit annoying, to say the least.
As far as I'm aware, in Ingress's ten years, if you ignore lore, the "prize" for winning an anomaly series has been nothing in all cases but one.
The "prize" for winning Obisidan was no XM for three weeks...
And who did that affect? Everyone. Not just ENL
I see. I am ENL, and always hear the statement that our wins are punishments so wonder if there was a list around.
Well, as with @starwort's example above, if I had to guess (my memory is a bit fuzzy), those "punishments" impacted RES in the exact same way. So, my two cents, they're not in the same category as the Osiris RES medal and glyph sequence, which are an aberration in a game that's otherwise treated the in-scanner experience of the two factions equally.
Edit: To clarify, as I recall it, part of the problem with that Osiris medal is that it was announced so late into the series that there was a fair argument to be made that Agents might have done things differently had it been announced earlier — like, if you knew that that was what was at stake, you might have played differently.
also ADAs weren't hackable for a while back then
Let me ask you a question: Does the team playing in the Superbowl play it for the rings you get at the end? Does the teams playing in the World Cup do it for a trophy? No?
Same deal here. Rewards, lore, etc. are all just icing on the cake.
The actual reward is that we, as a faction, got our team together and succeeded.
Take Los Angeles: One of the most close anomalies in terms of attendance on the West Coast in years, and the Enlightened won 3:1 there. The reward is that we got to work together as a team, face a foe pretty evenly matching us, and watch a well-executed plan and well-organized team mop the floor with the other side.
I would rather there be even more focus on improving that experience: Making it more unique, more stable, and more transparent.
"What we won" is that we just needed to win, and that's what we did. :)
You think that if the winner of the Super Bowl doesn’t get rings and a trophy, they would just be like, ah well, but we did it anyway guys!
please! :D
I think I also remember that Brian or someone else has told that Enl wins in Myriad and Umbra are not forgotten. So where's ANYTHING we got for them?
Green XM still has not occurred. Can't even get that, how can we expect a badge after winning event after event? Small exclusive bragging rights that the other team has to see are ideal.
The only major issue I have with the analogy, is that it's more like:
Team A wins, trophy and rings are given.
Team B wins, "congrats you played well"
Team A wins again, more trophy and rings.
If they're not going to actually cause a meaningful effect in the game from winning an anomaly, e.g. glyph sequences, different badges, XM colors, etc, it shouldn't have a precedent of doing just that, lopsided and erratic.
Yeah I don’t know why people don’t get it; it’s annoying we get the “short end of the stick” as “team B”.
What is even more infuriating is the niantic employee from team B, on the team A after party stating “they will win the war”. Crazy.
niantic wanted enl to win and they did, ok so now what ? seems nothing comes out after brian shared some intel with the pocs... all this fuzz for what ?? thought we were gonna have a red infection event worlwide but looking q1 events not much happening there...
Do you ever wonder why there is no Niantic representative named "Niantic Green?" It's just Niantic Blue out there.
Did it occur to you that his actual name could very well be Blue? And follows the same format as @NianticHilda, @NianticThia, @NianticBrian etc
Is this sarcasm?
@NianticKK @NianticKN @NianticKO @NianticKT
I hope that's knot the case
It must be a hiring pre-requisite for someone to be named "Blue." There is no balance in the "Force" when it concerns the Ingress playing field, and the scale seems to favor the blue team.
Wasn't there a YouTube video advertisement promoting Ingress Prime, and there was this one employee who mentioned, "Go, Res!" The said video already spelled bias when I saw it.
I remember when new players would sign up they wouldn't even get a choice. They were forced to be resistance. Took a long time for Niantic to fix that. But it helped the resistance get more players.
Many boxes are going into the teeth of winter. Plenty of time for RED Machina to grow if attention is lacking.
Truth to be told the tutorial is biased and so messed up. I really liked the first time I did it, now you need to do it with next to the agent because if he leaves the tutorial, he would become RES. In addition, last time I did it with an agent, it was so buggy that the screen turned white.
The tutorial has been changed a few times, even in Prime.