Field Test rule URLs and leaderboard URLs
in Field Tests
I made spreadsheet for collecting rule links and leaderborad links. You can put the URLs on your regions or city.
Field Test rule URLs and leaderboard URLs have individually codes(random alphabet and numbers), so we can't see other city's by URL change.
How to
Q1: How to get Rule page URL?
A1: If you get media from registration portal hack, open the media.
Next, you will jump to Rule page, then copy the Rule page URL from address bar on your browser.
Or, you can open page from "nearby portals" link on email when you received at 14:30 local time.
Q2: How to get Leaderboard URL?
A2: When you open the Rule page, you can see "global leaderboard for your city" link.
You can jump from there to Leaderboard.
Or, you can open page from "overall leaderboard for your city" link on email when you received at 14:30 local time.
Refer to these tweets on Twitter:
Thank you for fill in!
Still collecting all regions now!
Some cities' URL already collected, but what looks like the artifact portals and other cities leaderboard is the reason why I'm collecting Field Test rule URLs and leaderboard URLs.
And also, there is a mission of collecting 13331 artifacts at Field Test, so now counting sum number of artifacts.