Distance not calculated, Prime crash



  • My Google Fit shows a proper 4.9 kms. From what I've seen Niantic screwed up the event timing too. The cutoff was 4:05 pm instead of 4:45 pm. Also the stats were getting counted regardless of not hacking the registration portal. In addition to this, the event 10% was calculated on people RSVP'd rather than people who had actually hacked the registration.

  • Same happened to quite some Prime users in Lelystad, The Netherlands. Prime scanner outage for in total between 20 en 40 minutes, a substantial part of the total event time.

    Without this, these players would very likely have passed all parts of the Field test.

    Sounds fair to adjust the pass criteria according to the actual available time, for example adjust the walk distance to 2km instead of 3km and enlarge the 10% to 20% or 30%

  • Few times Prime got only black screen after welcome screen with Prime logo. Map didn't load.

  • Same issue with FT at Kolkata

    The last 40-45 minutes of the even didn't count for us here. Prime was laggy and crashed around 4-415pm after which stat update to the leaderboard stopped. The only 2 people who got the badge completed their requirements before that. The other people, me included, who completed the requirements(before the normal given time of 445pm, which should have been the actual cutoff) , but the leaderboard didn't update. The agent profile stat showed the correct stats though, only.the leaderboard update was faulty, causing them to miss their badge even though they worked in the field for it.

    I raised a ticket for this in support but they closed it even without even a discussion letting me know they can't manually update stats at this time.

    While I enjoy Ingress, latest events have been leaving me steadily more disillusioned. If a badge is promised, I hoped that people who participated would be treated equally. I'm more hurt at the way support handled the issue than with the issues itself. I'd be very happy if niantic could respond and offer a way we can raise tickets and get the badge, after the work the agents on field put in.

  • Hello, I was in Oulu on field test but my count is totally wrong. I know I walked way longer than 1,5 kilometers that was needed (8km)and hack much more than the letter says I did(138) Around 1/4 of what I did during the test is registered. Please solve this major issue that accrued during the field test. The count did not start for like 45 minutes after if should have started.

    Solve this FT failure

  • Fortunately I was able to do all tasks, but what I've been reading so far all across all sites is the same thing as in Lelystad, NL.

    The first 15/20 minutes nothing worked, I even went as far as clearing cache and reloading.

    The amount of communication error messages in my screen were so huge that I thought I wouldn't be able to accomplish all tasks.

    In the middle I decided to go for the only thing I thought would not fail: km. I think I was lucky because they were all accounted, contrary to many other players at the site.

    I hope NIA assigns more servers to prime, so the anomaly is payable.

  • Me and my wife played FT from 15:15 as rules says. We have walked together is about 2 km, deployed at least 100 mods and 300 resonators, done at least 50 hacks till 16:00, but our statistics was all -1. At about 16:00 we have recieved message "FT started" and our stats set to nulls. Since this moment we have done all minimal tasks again and get 4 "EPICS", except tracker. At last minuts we had 2500 meters instead of real 5+ km. We walked very fast, trying to reach at least 3k. But unexpectedly my wife`s statistic has increased by 400 meters and she has reached 3100, successfully recieved achievement. But i have missed 25 meters to reach it, despite we have walked together all the event time and have really reached 5+km. Not only tracker - all statistics was much less than that really was. Almost all Voronezh players have same bug. You promised achievement to ALL players, that reached minimal tasks and elite achievent to players that reached top 10% in each category in time frame from 15:15 to 16:45, not in 16:00 to 16:45 But many players dont get it. We want our achievements! I walked the same 5+ km as my wife, but i have 2975 meters and no achievent.

  • Обидно. Я прошел явно более 3000м.


  • Not my image but shared in Telegram. Super disappointing to see these sorts of responses.

  • Prime was absolutely horrendous during the event. I got constant network errors and wasted too much time trying, before I switched to Redacted. That it caused me to come 60 meters short of the badge. 😠

  • The statistics that I received a few minutes before the end came into my account, I did not have enough 400 meters that I passed during the time that remained until the end of the event !!!

  • Hexathlon Field Test Failed at İZMİR!

    We started at 15:15pm, not 15:57pm !!!

  • Доброго дня! Сегодня принял участие в ивенте в Воронеже. 2/3 дистанции калькулятор по статистике не обновлял статус. И выполнене заданий вообще было неизвестно мне. За 45 минут до завершения ивента счетчик начал выдавать хоть какие-то данные, И для меня было удивлением что самые простые задания как треккер был меньше 1000 м, и хак без глифов были ничтожно малы. Хотя к тому времени уже были собраны все артефакты, и пройдена большая часть игровой зоны. Игра вслепую не позволяет агенту мобилизовать себя для того чтобы выполнить все необходимые задания! И мы теряем драгоценное время! Разочарован! Приехал за 500 км, и не добрать 270 метров. Прошу проверить мои действия на ивенте и корректность расчетов по ней. Надеюсь что полученный отзыв поможет внести корректировки в работу системы и позволит в будущем агентам играть в удовольствие! MAYDAYMOON.

  • Agents who registered but were not on the site (Bydgoszcz, PL) are in the top ten ranking...

  • Dear Niantic,

    This is to bring to your notice that participants in Margao, Goa field test none of the people got the medal. Updates were frozen at 4:00 PM after 45 mins of the start.

    Last 45 minutes were played with the enthusiasm but no luck. None of the scores got updated. People playing in heat not able to complete 3kms in 1st 45 mins. Even though their final stats were above 5 km

    Kindly check into this, as lots of people travelled for this event and as none got medal so it's kinda push back.

    We would love to see the updates score. Awaiting positive response.

  • I was in Stuttgart, and it was a disaster. The first half h could not be done with Prime anything.

    I had 12x restarts, 8x with errors loading the account data and 4x immediate crash after the first action.

    Switching to Redacted had helped further.

    In between tests with Prime failed, Hack didn't go through and Glyphhacks were aborted by a cryptic numbers error message.

    So I withdraw everything positive I wrote about Prime before and claim the opposite 2 times.

  • Приветствую. Участвовал в FT Воронеж. Прошел 4 км, но не засчиталось.

  • We had the exact same problems in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

    The game was unplayable for at least 20 min out of the total and the stats did not update for about 15 min at the end, which meant that something may not have been counted and you did not know what to focus on.

  • Field Test Stuttgart here.

    Prime flat out didn't work after the first 5 minutes. The scanner was stuck on the glyph screen while I was at a media portal several times. After showing it to nearby agents, they told me to switch to Redacted, which worked flawlessly for the rest of the event. One huge problem I had was the distance walked statistics. The stat was stuck at 2.025km for the last 45 minutes and didn't move at all even though I managed to cover the entire length of the damn zoo! Thankfully, it updated one last time after the event ended and when it did, the meter jumped all the way to 4km!

    Also, while I was standing clueless at the main station for 30 minutes trying to figure out where the platforms were, the scanner registered a grand total distance of 4km. I was only aware of this because I posted my 666km Trekker badge in an old Ano group so I was able to see the jump when I got on the train.

    I had been telling the group that I wouldn't be booking hotels and planes for Umbra until I got to see Prime in action in today's field test. Needless to say, with this kind of result, I would have refrained from taking part in Umbra until NIA got their stuffs sorted out; if the whole paid ticket debacle hadn't killed my plans already.

    On another note, the police paid us a visit before the event. Apparently, NIA didn't register with the local authorities. Thankfully, we had people from NIA around to sort things out and, thankfully, we didn't pay anything for this event.

  • Thanks for another amazing event, NIA. I hope you will review results.

  • Trekker was broken for a lot of agents here in Saint Petersburg, FL. Lots of reports of couples playing side by side with 1km+ variances. The event was cool but the trekker badge caused many here to not get a badge, and it seemed to be randomly calculating distance. That combined with the weather means a LOT of agents who traveled a long distance to get here didn't get the badge they should have. I really did like the format for the most part. Maybe throw away one of the stats if they met the rest. Especially if one of them are in the elite range...

  • edited September 2019

    Hi @RedSoloCup / @NianticCasey

    We had a great time at the Field Test in Lelystad Netherlands.

    I am not entirely sure what we tested, the most common answer from the community I recieved was stress testing the server.

    Hopefully you gained enough insight to adjust the server capacity to the needs of relative small events and apply these to the upcoming FS events where [REDACTED] will be retired.

    From a personal perspective I noticed this full automated tracking system for stats and personally I believe that the scope of testing included the testing of this automated event stats tracking system. I am most impressed with how this system works. What it tracks and the automated awarding of medals work just perfect. I believe it will be a brilliant addition for future events. However, this system did not seem to be aligned with the profile stats and IMHO experienced some challenges that the team at NIA will no doubt address.

    We have had many agents who aided you in performing this test and unfortunately many of them did not have the statistics calculated correctly. As they performed the tests and actively participated in providing you with this key information, When will they receive the medal for their efforts ?

    Kind Regards,


  • Tartu, Estonia

    -Event calculations of stats started not at 15:15 but at 15:57, so event lasted for 48min basically

    -Prime would stop working for many people at the same time

    -Constant problems with logging into the Prime after game restarts

    -Group of people walking together walked distance differs a lot

    Personally failed in distance walked

  • Adding to the comments about problems with stat tracking and scanner stability - reporting from Ames, IA

    I had MAJOR stability problems with the Prime Scanner. Rebooted the game at least 5 times, and fully rebooted the phone at least twice. In the scanner, I gained 6 km this afternoon. For the event? I got credit for 2.8 km. Interestingly, in Pokémon Go, I walked at least 7 km, as I hatched all of my 7 km eggs.

    "Current stats" in the tracker/web page were not accurate in the least. It said I hacked 21 portals - after finishing 5 missions which included 6 hacks each.

    If my stats are correct, less than 50% of the participants in Ames are getting a badge (I'm showing as #66 of 121 for km walked, credited for 2.81km)

    Good work Niantic. You failed to meet expectations of actually accurately tracking what you said you would.

  • SonechxeonSonechxeon ✭✭
    edited September 2019

    The event itself was great. Really liking the live stat tracking, rankings rather than having to guess (remember Lux Adventure?), the minimum requirement wasn't too tricky. Only complaint about the format I have, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like each artifact portal had a limit of 5 media per person, and I don't remember seeing that mentioned anywhere. I'd been throwing heat sinks on one artifact portal and not paying attention, and didn't realise it was limited - luckily I'd visited another one earlier.

    But of course, there were technical issues.

    I really wanted to use Prime for this, I've been using it over Redacted as much as possible. But there were two main problems:

    1) It all just crapped out in the first few minutes. Nothing was working in Prime, everything was just hanging. Had to drop back to Redacted. Did try switching back to Prime every once in a while, but it was behaving as though it had no network connection. Which brings me onto...

    2) Terrible handling of low signal/heavy network saturation situations. I know this is something Niantic are aware of in the context of PITAs, but if it happens during Field Tests it's gonna happen during anomalies too. Prime seems to either get confused, or give up entirely.

    Whenever I switched back to Prime, it just didn't load anything most times, the Event button did nothing either.

    While doing a sequential mission in a low-signal area, got to portal 2, hacked it, waited for the game to catch up... hack came through, but mission didn't update. Waited, hacked again, still nothing. Went to Redacted, turned out the waypoint had been completed, but Prime just didn't clock it. Restarting Prime did not help with the display, but could still continue on and it flagged portal 3, 4 etc correctly. Hacked the last one and the mission completed successfully, even though it was still saying I needed portal 2

    Also, a number of people reported issues with the distance measurements. Had a runner and a cyclist who both failed to hit the target, and had people who were walking together with quite a variance in distance.

    TL;DR: Event format is great, support for live results/rankings is great, Prime still missing critical functionality. Curious to see how Umbra goes.

  • Actually, one other issue: seen mention of emails being sent to players with their stats, but I haven't received anything. I've been using the link from the Events button to look at my stats so it's not crucial, but just odd and worth mentioning, no idea where it's gone (not in spam, main inbox, or any folder).

  • Field Test, Ipswich U.K. Had to use Scanner Redacted to hack the media portal before the event because Prime just would not do it. Prime was fairly stable during the Field Test but I lost count of how many times I had to restart it in the banner I did afterwards! It would give me the items I had hacked from a portal but would still say "hack portal".

    Field test issue 1: 3km may not sound like a long distance to ask for but you had to overdo it to be sure you had it and combined with all the actions we had to do in an area full of slow-walking shoppers and tourists, plus with signal issues and crashes it's too much. And it would not be achievable for agents with mobility issues.

    Field Test issue 2: why did you say POCs weren't needed? It was obvious the Ipswich organisers put in a ton of work to help and inform agents, sort out a venue, make a banner, and a LOT more besides. The success of the event was very much due to their efforts. So this is just to say - proper organisers are very much needed!

    Field Test issue 3: some media portals were placed a long way out of town in an area with not many portals. Going there would have been a waste of time. Media portal placement should be carefully considered especially since these were up a steep hill and across grass - no good for agents using wheelchairs or with mobility issues.

    I enjoyed the event! Thank you.

  • Yeah that (this is not directed at you simurgh) highlighted bit is totally BS, they are able to manually add badges to the scanner, they have the source code don't they? They have a list of attendees? They have a list of people who hacked the unique media? And on top of they they are fully aware that the servers crapped out.

    To Niantic I call BS on that statement.


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