Distance not calculated, Prime crash
Hi Niantic,
Myself and a number of others have just completed the Field Test event at Launceston. The event was riddled with network performance and stats update issues.
Many people were unable to perform actions, or even log in. Some people experienced these issues for over 45 minutes.
In my case, the distance did not update at all for the second half of the event. The personal stats tracker gave me a final value of 2,300 metres, however the person I was with The entire time and managed to get 3,060 metres (she also experienced numerous Prime issues). I tracked my stats with Agent-Stats and the Trekker badge logged 4km difference between the beginning and end of the event.
Due to the issues of the game, many people were ineligible for gaining the badge to the event. Please provide an avenue for players to lodge a ticket to rectify these issues so that we can gain the badge that we earned.
Same thing happened here in Gwangyang, Korea.
I'm adding in more things happened here.
- Prime scanner crashed instantly as soon as the event started
- Failure in logging in, repeated "noretrieserror" in the scanner then no validation in any kind of actions
- Different distance recorded in same walking group of users. Some were together from the beginning and they got up to 700m of difference each other
- Media failed to extracted from the portal, then the game crashes
- Late announcement of REDACTED scanner allowance; initially this event was announced as Prime scanner only event. Some users had advantages ignoring the notice, using REDACTED from the beginning (I guess they were smart)
I see this as good feedback for NIA and I would encourage people to be playing on Prime only on Field Tests for NIA to have most accurate data as possible.
Might have a hard time convincing some of that if they think doing so will risk their not getting the completion badge.
"It's called "Agile Development" which is an unfortunately broad term that is being used more and more to simply mean that the customer is your first line of testing" -- grimnar @ Armored Warfare forums before the whole circus got shut down.
Just finished event. I'm using prime. Game crashed for around 20mins at start. Distance walked not counted. Results: every objectives reached except distance walked-2.99km
*double facepalm*
I was at the Gwangyang, too.
Met 2 times of game drop by its communication error. When I reloaded the Prime again, it couldn't load map and portal data for several minutes. I wasted 20+ mins at the portal.
Of course, I didn't stoppen even I deploy the Reso until 30mis left, but trekker was just 2km.
So I started running, but trekker was just ran up to 2.5km.
I frustrated that time, I got my car and drive fast for last 7 mins with keep hacking and using busters, then I finished with 2.97km. So great!!! Yum!!
今回のフィールドテストの意義は、大規模なイベント時のIngressprimeの信頼性の担保し実証する為だろうと認識していました。そのためにNiantic 側でも対策を講じて来たのだろうと考えていました。実際インベントリの管理画面の進化や起動速度の向上には非常に満足していました。それだけに今回のような不具合が起こるのは非常に残念であり悲しいことです。
来月初頭にMission Dayが開催されます。今後もこのようなトラブルが無くならないようであれば、安くはない交通費を費やして参加する意欲を維持するのは難しいです。私は前橋のmissiondayの参加申請はしましたが、今回の件で参加を取りやめることにしました。
Tracker not calculated for my profile Slamft pls check, we go together with Vialianse agent
I think that the best way for solve this problem is recalculate all trekers at least from 2.5 km
Good afternoon!
When passing the FT event in Voronezh, the mileage did not count, although it was more than 3 kilometers. The counter is turned on later than the specified time.
Field Tests in Voronezh, used prime, distance was not calculated correctly, I walked about 7 km, got 1.4 km. Prime crashed three times, had to re-install. Hacks were also not calculated correctly. The whole calculation started 40 minutes later than the event. Sad.
Real distance was not calculated. Just check summ of distances between portals hacked.
Scanner trekking statistics +5 km, field test statistics +2,5 km. ****???
Hello. I'm organizer of Voronezh Field Test.
All of us broke down Prime, mileage was not calculated correctly for 270 people. Many people considered their mileage with the Trekker medal. Not immediately began the calculation of statistics, the constant breaking of the game. Hundreds of people are disappointed with how Niantic made a mileage calculation.
Hello, during the Event in Voronezh is not correctly counted the mileage and in fact not made a condition for participation. Агент TIGRYLbKA.
I walked together with another agent, but I have 1km less trekker!!! And I hacked much more portal then you calculated!!!!! I spend all my money to go to Voronezh to take part in your event and receive nothing! Please, recalculate the results!
Same problem. In scanner is 6 km distance walked. In Field Test - only 2,6km please investigate this problem. There is a big problem in city
Same thing - all the time we walked together with WRC: 3327 and 2754 kilometres! It's unreal!
Same problem with all agents at Voronezh. Event has started at 15:57 instead of 15:15, stats were empty before that, so, most of agents didn't take enough stats to tracker
Please recalculate our stats.
Dear Andrew, we're very disappointed by FT statistics down here in Voronezh. Please investigate. Yours truly Bgxi2 agent enl15
Trekker minimum 4 km, 2,6 gone to event stats. ****?!!!
FT in Voronezh. Trekker shows +5 km, statistics +2,45 km, no stats calculating for the first hour of event
it was the worst that could be. the difference between the distance on the scanner and the counter is 4 km. instead of the joy of participating, the players got frustrated and angry. in your interests to recount the outcome of the game
Hi! The same problem with trekker was in Voronezh, Russia. The stats start counting only at 15:57 instead of 15:15.
I took a part in Field Test (Voronezh, Russian Federation). All the time I've been walked with agent Void. We walked over 5 km (data from my fitness band), he took a medal as he walked 3,6 km, I haven't got a medal as I walked 2,9 km. At 4.22 p. m. I had some problems with Prime scanner. When he started to work again, I needed to walk 275 m to get medal. I choosed a portal 300 m away from me and run to it, I got it successful in time. But I still do not have a medal.
Agents we know walked such more slowly then we and got a result more than we for more than 1 km. That's very strange, don't you think?
Hi, I participated in the Field Tests
In Voronezh, Russia today. I walked 5 kilometers, but in statistics it turned out only 1.84 km. Please understand and send me a well-deserved medal.
Принял участие в полевых испытаниях в Воронеже. Прошел более 5км, но из за сбоя в системе и времени часть расстояния не вошла в зачёт. FmSova
Can you just imagine what happened in Tartu Fail test? 😅
Wow, from #FieldTest to #FailedTest 😂
Принял участие в полевых испытаниях в Воронеже. Прошло более 5 км. Но из за сбоя в системе и во времени часть расстояния не вошла в зачет. FmSova