Yes, but this specific challenge has stakes attached to it, so it NEEDS to work. Think of it as a bonus objective we can complete even if everything we're supposed to test breaks down.
I only have the leaderboard link for 3 sites: Santa Clara, Stuttgart, and Kumamoto City. Registrations for those cities are roughly 200, 400, 200 (but not everyone who registered attended). The total for the 3 cities are 6441 artifacts recovered. There are many more cities in Field Test (see and we only need 6890 more, so I'm pretty confident we foiled Helvetica.
Looks like I can't edit my old post to update the total. If anyone else wants to update to contribute their city, just add to the numbers below. The easiest way is to copy all the raw data from the leaderboard Google doc in the link emailed to you, paste it into sheets, and sum up the 3rd column.
Santa Clara: 1646 (~160 attending)
Kumamoto City: 1638 (~170 attending)
Stuttgart: 3157 (~300 attending)
Launceston: 417 (~40 attending)
Total: 6858.
So far it looks pretty consistent, with about 10 media hacked per attendee on average. Thanks for the Launceston info, @oscarc1
"We estimate that if Agents collectively harvest 13331 Prime Artifacts, that that will be sufficient to prevent whatever Helvetica is planning. Good luck, Agents: Aurora defeated us last month… we must hold the line here."
Can you offer us any insights as too how many Artifacts got collected during the field test.
Was an overall leader board established out of the combined site's.
Any other interesting stats from this event that you are able to share.
And that is the official SWAG for that Game...
You can buy it in Switzerland😄
Komentáře zatím o ničem .... 🤨
@RedSoloCup are you aware that we will for sure not try to stop Helvetica? We will fight or Helvetica!
Confoederatio Helvetica. Switzerland.
Aren't you guys supposed to be neutral?
Calm down, Switzerland. The Nemesis members are named after fonts. It isn't a dig at you.
Nah, it's not world war I or II...
Yes, but this specific challenge has stakes attached to it, so it NEEDS to work. Think of it as a bonus objective we can complete even if everything we're supposed to test breaks down.
Sure would be nice if you'd SAVE SCANNER REDACTED
This is literally Impossible and the reasons why have been explained many times.
So, what's the passcode of this media document?
Is it the true type? 😅
A change in font isn't as bad as a fixed change in font size! 🤣🤣 20 points for 1 week as punishment.
So why not call the Series "Comic Sans" ?
Thanks for the reply! I got a media today called artifact coll that links to this thread.
Perhaps this Nemesis member is close to CERN in Switzerland, where the researchers are hiding? Investigate!
Nemesis is a greek goddes of retribution justice (vengance) or in its Roman form, Invitia (envy)
Myriad is a Roman word meaning Many
Aurora is a Roman Goddes of Dawn
Helvetica is a Latinized goddes of the Helvetii
Avenir is French (which is a Romance language) meaning Future
So my theory is that all this Nemesis stuff will be related to Roman myths, or at least the names
Complete the set of media of 6?
Should be doable
I don't understand why all the world can't play.
@RedSoloCup will the evil known as Comic Sans be the Nemesis final boss?
Comic sans is our only hope. Use the Doge, agents!
Will there be a defined playbox for a specific Field Test location?
Wow. Nice.
As a professional graphic designer I will happily fight for Helvetica against the evil that is Arial.
So how many artefacts did we collected?
Did we get the 13331 ?
I only have the leaderboard link for 3 sites: Santa Clara, Stuttgart, and Kumamoto City. Registrations for those cities are roughly 200, 400, 200 (but not everyone who registered attended). The total for the 3 cities are 6441 artifacts recovered. There are many more cities in Field Test (see and we only need 6890 more, so I'm pretty confident we foiled Helvetica.
@theimmc Here is the link for Launceston, Tasmania, Australia:
Looks like I can't edit my old post to update the total. If anyone else wants to update to contribute their city, just add to the numbers below. The easiest way is to copy all the raw data from the leaderboard Google doc in the link emailed to you, paste it into sheets, and sum up the 3rd column.
Santa Clara: 1646 (~160 attending)
Kumamoto City: 1638 (~170 attending)
Stuttgart: 3157 (~300 attending)
Launceston: 417 (~40 attending)
Total: 6858.
So far it looks pretty consistent, with about 10 media hacked per attendee on average. Thanks for the Launceston info, @oscarc1
If artifacts are L1 bursters, then I'm recycling them.
"We estimate that if Agents collectively harvest 13331 Prime Artifacts, that that will be sufficient to prevent whatever Helvetica is planning. Good luck, Agents: Aurora defeated us last month… we must hold the line here."
Can you offer us any insights as too how many Artifacts got collected during the field test.
Was an overall leader board established out of the combined site's.
Any other interesting stats from this event that you are able to share.