August 2019 Ingress AMA Question Thread



  • are Little Free Libraries located inside businesses or public facilities or museums legitimate candidates?

  • About OPR, Playgrounds and possible OPR abusal.

    You were already asked about playgrounds in some other AMA and they are supposed to be rated 5 starts (as it says in OPR /guide). But it seems like:

    1) Many agents still count playgrounds as a bad candidate and rate it 1 start or something else but low

    2) It seems like some agents are grouping up to prevent other agents from creating playground portals (so that only they can have control over couch portals)

    So the point is - if NIA can't handle the community, can't provide appeals for good candidates and can't fight back organised OPR misusal, shouldn't at least guidelines be changed? I'm not sure if you can get banned for resubmitting candidate that's being rejected but still it seems frustrating to get rejects over "5 starts recommended".

  • "By now you should know the way the process works." many new subscribers,then?

  • Hi Andrew, would you by chance care to describe as acurately as possible how exactly the sojourner badge works (or under which conditions it stops counting forward) for the record.

  • Is there a timeline for the shop and biocard store to reopen? In the meantime, could Niantic maybe host a site with an official template that agents could upload their image to, with the ability to download for printing? I know many agents make and use their own templates, but not everyone has the software or the know-how for this.

  • SalakadouSalakadou ✭✭
    edited August 2019

    What is the policy and vote expected regarding "Insect hotel / Bug hotel / Insect house" in OPR? (assuming location is accessible in public area)

This discussion has been closed.