August 2019 Ingress AMA Question Thread
By now you should know the way the process works. Ask your questions in this thread and at some point, in the near future, I'll close this thread. I'll then curate the questions and work with our internal team to answer as many as we can. It can take a little as two days or as long as two weeks to publish the responses.
Make sure you read the rules. Once you do that, ask your questions!
Post edited by NianticThomas on
This discussion has been closed.
Hope you had a good vacations!
As per your request on the previous AMA:
Can we get an update on if or when reject reasons will be added to rejected submission emails?
Where can we sign up for the beta? Will AP/frequency of play be taken into consideration when choosing the participants?
Are we gonna get any more series of videos like the Dunraven series? The Nemesis trailer seems to point towards yes, but I'd like to know if there's any confirmed plans.
Will ninatic stop making physical swag and stop coming to anomalys or was July just a one time thing
When we can expect to benefit from recursing?
When will we have the schedule of the next anomalies?
When will the Mission Days for the october anomalies be announced?
For OPR: We have a big discussion if all sport fields are allowed to be a portal? Either way the sport field is only a concrete plate in the middle of nothing, or for be allowed needs to be a stadium or sports fields unit:
A few weeks ago during the hacking challenged, I discovered a portal that was on the property of a private Catholic high school (on the exterior of the school building) and reported it as such. However, the request was rejected so I appealed, twice. Both appeals were rejected despite providing ample evidence showing that the portal was clearly on the school building. So what exactly are the rules for portals on school property? I originally understood no portals on school property meant exactly that, no portals on school property. But after the removal rejection and two denials, that clearly isn't the rule.
Locally owned restaurants are a seemingly natural fit for the portal criteria "A popular spot where locals gather, but may be lesser-known outside the community," "More off-the-beaten-path tourist attractions," and "Tourist spots that showcase local flavor and culture and that make your city/neighborhood unique." In fact the examples for all three criteria in "What makes a High-Quality Portal?" are locally owned restaurants. However, many reviewers still reject locally owned restaurants on the pretense that they are "generic local businesses" unless there is some extraordinary "WOW factor". So exactly where is the line between locally owned restaurants that meet the criteria and locally owned restaurants that would be classified as a "generic local businesses"? And is "generic local businesses" an overruling condition for any portal nomination that would otherwise fit the portal criteria?
Are you still on track for retiring Redacted? Any clarification on the date, other than September?
Do you think Prime is ready?
Does Niantic have metrics on players using Redacted vs. Prime? If so, can you share any highlights or summaries?
I've had several buildings that were listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRoHP) rejected despite mentioning their listings in the nomination's description. When questioning some reviewers on Reddit, several stating that a listing on the NRoHP only shows that the building is old, but does not show that it has historical or cultural significance. However those same reviewers also stated that they will approve a plaque about the building's listed on the NRoHP. This seems contradictory to me. How does a plaque about a building's listing on the NRoHP show that it is historically and culturally significant whereas the listing itself does not?
Do you have any advice how to deal with fake portal submissions? We see some areas geting massive amounts of faked portals and reporting + appealing later seems to be such a big amount of work for the big number of fakes (e.g >20 around a small lake).
Do you have any ideas about when Niantic will comunicate dates of new anomalies?Already asked by another user
Dialog boxes in Prime after a hack cover the bottom of the screen and have to be dismissed (tapped) before they go away. Are there plans to change this or move them. They get in the way if you are fast hacking like in an anomaly.
Portal edits in the AM02-KILO-07 scoring cell have always been extremely slow. But ever since OPR took over reviewing portal edits, not a single player in the cell has reported that their edits has been processed. Is Niantic aware of this problem? And if so, what is Niantic doing to ensure that portal edits, especially in largely rural cells, are processed in a timely manner?
The guidelines state that adult oriented services such as liquor stores, adult entertainment and **** ranges should be given a 1* rating. But what about **** ranges which are oriented at people of all ages? Many kids practice **** as a hobby, similarly to playing football or baseball. It's even a competition in the Olympics. Are all **** ranges to be given a 1* rating or are there exceptions when they are not adult-oriented?
If yes, what about archery ranges?
OPR: Can we expect to get features to Flag made up Portals?
Its annoying the People who do opr and if getting online reduces the quality of the portal network.
Okay, when are you going to brighten up the screen on Prime? Seriously, it's TOO dark! I can't get my phone any brighter but you're not making game play better by keeping it like it's midnight. It really needs to be brighter, somehow. There's a whole list of things in the open letter that no one has heard back about; but the brightness is one major drawback for it.
Please make it lighte/brighter, somehow. Thank you!
When can we expect players of Niantic’s other AR games to be participating in submissions and OPR? PoGo submissions are increasing wait times exponentially in the few countries they are available, while the pool of reviewers is staying the same or getting smaller as people reach onyx and stop.
Adding players of other games could ease the perceived faction biases and selective reading of eligibility rules as well. Ingress players tend to be overly harsh on restricted access areas, which are far more strategic than they are for the other games.
Link button on long links don't seem top be working again. When will this issue be resolved again? Has the error when recharging a key, error_no_key, been fixed? When will the Ingress store have more items?
Can we get another response for our tickets with something like "We reviewed your ticket and found no wrongdoing in this agent"?
This would help agents to improve their reports/evidence or to at least know there might not be anything illegal in someone's playstyle.
Any news about the field tests you can share?
Possibility to add extra option "Bookmarked portals" in the same menu, like currently, portals from A-Z and distance for quick access. So it's not the same like key lockers.
Hey there Andrew... hope you're well? was good to chat with you in Kaunas
What are NIA and yourself's feelings about Softplay areas for kids with regards to portal submissions? Inparticularly indoor ones?
Has there been any discussion of perks for recursing more than once? Maybe a tiered recursion badge or maybe other cosmetic options for an agent's profile picture rather than the outdated set of glyphs?
Is there any chance the OPR stats can be updated with what we had agreements/disagreements on? maybe add in what we helped approve/deny to.
the agreements/disagreements might be helpful for agents with poor status to understand what they are getting disagreements on and maybe help pull them back to good/great and help get more stuff through OPR faster.