Tumbleweed and the dusty road...

GreenVamGreenVam ✭✭✭✭✭

Silence everywhere. Awww! Is there anyone alive? Administrator? Moderator of this forum? Are you guys still alive? How is Brian doing there and are there any surviving employees? How is the last programmer doing, and do you have someone responsible for the plot in the game?

Is anyone actually keeping an eye on this whole sad situation?

The forum of the once great game is empty. No more than a few dozen players meet there for periodic communication. The gaming base and online are decreasing everywhere you look.

There is a dominance of bots all around, farming resources, recharging resonators, and so on. And many other problems!

Nobody wants to listen to the players, and therefore they leave the game en masse. And many are simply tired of the game without interesting updates.

Niantic staff! I am creating this topic for you!!! So that you can finally take a look at how sad the state of your game is! Read the forum, chat with players! At least make some bug fixes or a bot detection system. I'm not talking about new functionality or plot. Please pay attention to your dying game!!!

This message will be sent to all official communication channels from the Niantic company. I ask all concerned agents to help in drawing the attention of company employees to the problems of the game.



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