Unable to see existing Portals/Wayspots when nominating
in Report a Bug
A player of another Niantic game told me that they can see Wayspots on their map when nominating, even those which do not show up in their game.
As Ingress has had Portal Nominations for a long time, I would think this handy feature would be in, but I do not see how to enable this.
Can you assist?
Lucky for us there is an app in development specifically by the Wayfarer team that aims to present a unified process, currently in beta......
True but it would be nice to have this feature in the meantime.
"Not a bug"
"Working as Intended"
"Feature Request not an Error"
I doubt we'll see this simply because wherever the Ingress team can rely on the bigger, better funded teams, they will (and should) focus on the Ingress specific stuff. The Wayfarere devs just need to hurry up with their app.
It's beginning to feel like endgame :p
If I'm playing Ingress, and see something that I feel is worth trying to submit. I'm not going to bother to open another application to do that. The nomination process itself is already bloated as is.
I figure that when the Wayfarer app is out, and you tap to nominate on Ingress, it will open the Wayfarer app. Campfire works the same way
But will it be faster than Campfire? Campfire is a laggy mess of 💩 lately.
So far, I like the Wayfarer app. It’s got some issues but it’s not out of beta yet so that’s expected.
Can this obvious Bug be looked in to please?
This also got mentioned recently on the Wayfarer forums.
Any updates on this bug?
This was mentioned on the Wayfarer forums. Any update @NianticBrian / @NianticThia ?
Bumping this again due to this thread;
If the India imported Wayspots don’t appear as Portals in Ingress and there is no way to check for duplicates when nominating on Ingress it will cause issues.
Any chance we might get this added so that Agents aren’t submitting duplicates without a way to check?
Not a high priority.
So the realization of that feature is SOON and the deadline is undetermined.
Also, the fact is that many Ingress agents are sick and tired of the large amount of coal being ejected from PGO.
This is why most agents rarely tap the nominate button on the Ingress screen anymore, and as a result, few agents think this is a problem.
This is why it is not updated.
Perhaps, from an agent's perspective, updating ARcore to allow AR scanning on the Pixel8Pro is a higher priority.
Also, actually, Ingress agents would probably agree that it would be better for Ingress and Wayfarer to part ways and not have any more influx of low-quality coal than to implement this feature.
Whilst I agree I’ve seen more Agents ask for scanning to be available for whatever Android device they’re on, you’re the only one I see asking for the separation of Ingress and Wayfarer that won’t happen.
Simply because the majority of other AGs don't log into the forums, and unlike me, the majority of AGs have completely given up on the futility of saying things to Wayfarer.
So unless there is an incident that threatens the very foundations of Ingress, as was the case with Navarro, they will not log in to the forums and will not speak up.
And, in fact, when AGs talk about portals with other AGs, the weird ones go live, I wish they would stop, I wish they would separate the PGO and the map, numerous AGs have said.
Well, we talk about it in instant messenger or when we meet at events, so I can't show that in a screenshot, but at least in Japan it is true.
And in other countries, AGs who are members of the AG community and actively participate in events don't seem to change their opinions that much.
If you don't hear that from Ingress AGs, it's either because you don't belong to a community where AGs can have honest discussions with each other, or because people are wary of you because of your code name.
By the way, the Wayfarer forum is mostly PGO main even if you are an Ingress agent.
Don't think that's the norm.
Too many words...[cit. Doctor Who]
Simply it is strange that Ingress doesn't have a convenient feature when the user are sending a new nomination, and what another Niantic app has this feature.
I don’t see why they’d be concerned about my code name. If they were that bothered, they could check my profile on Ingress and see that I play, what I am called shouldn’t matter.
I think you have a bias against Wayfarer/Pokémon GO that won’t change regardless of what I say. So rather than cluttering this topic, if that’s the way you feel it would be better made in to it’s own topic/thread on whichever forum will be better suited.
Just wanted to bump this to see if it is a bug or not @NianticOfficial ?
Any chance of an update before the forums close?
Final bump before this goes to read only.