Mission days at all anomalies and secondary sites.
in Anomalies
Can we ask that efforts be made to allow mission days on all the Sundays after each 2023 anomaly site both primary and secondary?
Can we ask that efforts be made to allow mission days on all the Sundays after each 2023 anomaly site both primary and secondary?
Ask the POCs from every site because they are the ones to make it possible.
Posting here is a good way to communicate with them.
p.s. I have a Moog Sub 37 Tribute Edition
Gave it a like and I'm on board with this! 🙌
Yes please... Specifically Winnipeg MB on June 17.
not sure if Niantic is requiring POCs for satellites nowadays. POCs responsibility has been crippled down during the past more and more which is a shame.
Your Jacksonville POCs are on board with this request and will do all we can to make this happen.
It will happen if there is enough momentum among local players to organize a mission day.
Other sub-events (GORUCK, IntelOps, OCF, OPR, SWAG sales, etc.) may also be possible if the parties involved agree.
However, IntelOps would need to provide a decoding story and actors, and GORUCK and OCF would need to invite Cadre.
Therefore, we need to ask Niantic for the costs of holding the event.
OPR also needs to invite staff from Niantic.
However, the current, still unresolved Camp Navarro issue, the large number of garbage quality portals that are currently causing Ingress gameplay to suffer, and the potential for game players pretending to be Ingress agents to disrupt the discussion at OPR Given all this, I need some time to sort it out.
(Currently, many Ingress agents are beginning to question the quality of the newly created portals, and they are beginning to think that stopping the synchronization with Wayfarer would help improve the quality of the game. And I practically do too. It doesn't solve the fundamental problem, though.)
It was confirmed in Yokohama that SWAG sales could be held even if they are not official if the players get together.
Winnipeg is planning on it