If you are doing a mission and a Kinetic capsule has just finished you can't get to COM

When you are doing a mission the ability to access COM from the top of the screen is disabled for mission information. When a Kinetic Capsule is finished, the bottom COM notification links to the Kinetic Capsule in the inventory.

There is no where in the above screen to tap to get to COM.

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Active · Last Updated


  • KhatreKhatre ✭✭✭✭✭

    Have you tried with top right swipe?

  • starwortstarwort ✭✭✭✭✭

    This mechanism [i.e. going to KCs when tapping the notification] is... imperfect. For a start, if you've been looking at your keys then tapping the notification goes to your keys instead of to the capsule. But also, it can be several hours since the KC finished and you've already emptied and refilled it, and tapping on it still goes to your inventory instead of to alerts. Tapping on that area of the screen shouldn't go to inventory if all the KCs have already been cleared.

  • Glad I checked here, on a mission where you have to capture or upgrade 25 portals, so going to be awhile. Was becoming scout controller again on a portal as a workaround.

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