Will it be 21 May or 22 May?
Choosing saturday will allow scan-related 'user-deployed'(but actually by NIASection14) battle beacons to show up right in anomaly measurement windows in certain timezones, including KST/JST(UTC+9).
I believe and hope it will be on sunday.
Given the player beacon window Is ~72 hours scheduled beacons will count....
Yup and we will not be able to find out which are user-deployed ones and which are niantic-deployed ones during anomaly measurement windows, because those scan-related ones are deployed by NIASection14.
It will be very confusing.
Lucky they heard you and allowed for this in the annocement,, there will be a few sites effected by overlap, at 0800utc
I believe that "Rare Battle Beacons triggered by the AR Scan Meter at the top of the first hour of Septicycle 2022.20 (Saturday, 21 May 0800-0810 UTC) may affect the Battle Beacon schedule on some sites." is not a good statement. Will they not deploy anomaly battle beacons during that time simultaneously?