Opt-out or disable
A simple switch to opt-out and completely disable social extension from Ingress.
Rationale: the reason for adding some "friends" on other games was entirely different, so it's quite awkward to find them listed in another game.
I believe you can opt out using this form:
Heads up that you have created duplicated threads, there is a bug which makes it look like it isn't getting posted, but it actually is
Form sent.
Thank you,
bumping this, we need a way to stop the feature nobody asked for
The form didn't make any difference, I've opened a ticket.
A simple switch to opt-out and completely disable [...]
I insist on this request, after reading that this unneeded extension was widely enabled
and reading also, in the first official document linked that
"Niantic Social is an
feature that [...]"Thank you
I don't want to opt out, but I think it should be an option.
If they don't provide a way to opt out
then they should rename "Niantic Social is an optional feature that [...]"
to "is a forced feature that ..."