Ingress 2.89.1 Release Notes
Niantic › admin
• FITREP (Fitness Report): Added a weekly summary of distance trekked and progress towards Kinetic Capsule Programs to remind more Agents to refine items with Kinetic Capsule and move towards Trekker.
• Updated Ingress account deletion flow in Settings menu.
• Fixed bug where Agents were able to recycle premium items.
Note: there is a known issue that the team is working on where some Agents may have the FITREP pop up more than once a week because we really, really want to make sure you see your Fitness Report just kidding but it will be fixed in ING 2.91.
Post edited by NianticThia on
Is this gonna lead into a bounty board system?
Nice update, any reward for 56km trekked?
Hmm, what is that progress bar? Are rewards like in that other game on the horizon?
And what about lag fixing?
What I really want to know: With the Kinetic Capsule progress being so... central in that pop up, it seems like there isn't supposed to be space for a second Kinetic Capsule. Does that mean that Niantic finally decided not to sell new Kcaps? In the original announcement, there was talk about Kinetic Capsules with limited uses being sold in the store, but it was never followed up upon.
Ooh, a badge for Kinetic capsules completed soon?
Will we not get more kinetics? Pogo has 9 max u can have we only will ever have just 1?
You can technically have 12 on the go at once on Pokémon GO.
9 in main and then 3 in bonus (which are from tasks/Rocket battles/Adventure Sync rewards)
If it's going to be "28 km Distance trekked", then it should be "11056 kCal Energy burned" (or just, "11056 kCal burned"). Calorie is a unit of energy, just as a kilometer is a unit of distance.
Furthermore, it seems like it should probably be kcal, with a lowercase C? Without a wordy clarification, I'd go: 1 Cal = 1 Calorie, with 2 kCal = 2000 Calorie = "standard diet," at least as the typical America thinks of it and sees it on a nutrition label, which all makes 11056 kCal comically absurd in what appears to be an otherwise realistic screenshot.
Copy the journal thing over then as well, nicer information.
Any update regarding the latency?
O right 12...i dont play it so much these days 😅
Maybe make rare stuff from commons?
Too confusing, when one "nutrition" calorie is 1000 "physics" calories.
I'd suggest to report "energy burned" in toasts. One plain toast - 80 "nutrition" calories, or 1.5 km walking distance. So, the first screenshot becomes "28 km distance trekked, 18 toasts burned".
Awesome. Looks great.
This could be a good badge, where you get 1, 2 and 3 points for getting the 8km, 24km and 56km respectively.
Either way, looks exciting and great to see some more love being put into the game.
How about more recipes for crafting? Maybe some sort of new XM object that can be hacked and used on the portal network?
I'd like to see crafted items that aren't hackable.
Already suggested several.
I can't understand how fitrep fits to secret agent scanner and see no toggle to turn another annoying thing off(why annoying for me - i can use GFit or MiFit or weekly stat IF i am interested.)
But i'm talking about translation OR window design at all
First line says "walked N km - distance"
Second line says "N kcal - calories used".
Why to repeat - kcal and calories"?
Our game is becoming more and more like Pokemon go, which is unfortunate.
Is Pokémon suffering from the latency we are having in Ingress? Because that is why we are losing players left and right.
i was hopeful when they finally addressed the issue in the latest update, at least partly and an attempt; it still not fixed. Maybe they should put their focus 100% in getting the game back in a state where we can all just play and the game doesn’t feel like we’re playing with thousands together in one place for an anomaly.
during the kreuze event even deploying a portal was a challenge, and that should take priority over everything else. We’ve been having issues long enough now. I couldn’t care less about these additions to the game, but maybe some other people do.
8 km is the distance to complete a K-Cap. There are seven days in a week. 8 X 7 is . . . 56.
Additionally, 8 km is approximately 5 miles which is also approximately 10,000 steps which is also a commonly recommended amount of exercise a person should get per day (yet not based on actual science).
I don't think there's a problem with replicating good features from other games.
The problem is when there's a lack of effort put into what makes Ingress unique.
I wish they did more to promote team play but maybe its hard due to corona... Now its more solo play really and here is your weekly calories burned isnt really why i play...
Echoing the same, wish there was more promotion for team play.
Just got the update, and there is a problem @NianticThia
You can't actually look at it again once the app is already opened.
It isn't on the main menu, or in settings.
.How can I pull up the Fitrep again if I missed it? I was just shown my first one and it disappeared too fast to read
Yeah! Though i thought it would show how many kinetics capsules did i made
****? Calories?
If I wanted to boost my eating disorder, I would get a fitness app. I don't want calories to be discussed in a game I play for fun. Please stop!
Is there anyway to access the weekly fitrep once u dismiss it ? I guess its like in pogo u click it away and u cant see this information after.. it should be saved somewhere maybe.