July Second Sunday Mission Day - fixes
Niantic › admin
Hi Agents -
We've processed everyone* who filled in the missing badge form, and those who did not receive their Second Sunday Mission Day badge tick should now have one! How can you tell? Log into your scanner and click on the WEEK MONTH stats. You should have a 1 for Mission Day (make sure you're on WEEK MONTH stats!).
UPDATE: Because time has slipped into the future, the tick will no longer show in your WEEK stats - check MONTH :)
* note: a handful of folks provided agent names that could not be found so I'll be doing some digging into those to see if I can find them.
Post edited by NianticThia on
Good job 🥳
Congrats to @12tyTri11ion for the Mission Day badge without any missions 😉
Out of interest, how did you think of the name? I know the account was used to "hide" you before you were introduced, but does the name have any specific meaning?
Is the root cause known why some agents did not get the MD medal in the first place? So this won't happen again in August and September.
For example was only iOS agents affected? I have Android and got the MD Medal right after 6th mission was completed.
I did the 6 missions last weekend and I don't get the MD medal.
It is to late now to do something?
Thank you, Niantic and @NianticThia !
(Now can someone please put the badge design back to the classic MD one?) ;)
I filled Missing badge form, still no MD badge on my scanner
Hello, I find this very annoying, it is sad that nia promotes the event and then the event is a big fail, and we have to fill forms that are no longer online. So sad...
Got mine. Thank you!
@TeoZ980 @Alimia74 @sabra9 You should be good to go!
Thanks 👍🏼👍🏼😁
@NianticThia I did six unique missions but didn't get a tick on the medal. My weekly stats says that I only did five. Can you help me?
Thanks!! I got the tick
@NianticThia Please, I haven't received the medal te. I had put the nick on the other forum, but I didn't fill in the form, as it was already closed.
Nick: FrancisJun1or
 @NianticThia I filled out the google form and completed 6 new missions during the correct timeframe, but mine has not yet ticked up yet. IGN KelKAZay
@Popetotrora @FrancisJUN1OR - your badges should now be +1
@KelKAZay you should have a +1 also; can you check by looking at your week stats?
Thanks 💚👌
I just learned about this “fix” today. Is it too late to reconcile?
6 new and unique missions all on 11JUL
Welcome to OKC!
Airport Pick-up
OCCC Outdoor Walking Trail
Walk the Visual and Performing Arts Center
#ingressFS Oklahoma City 9/2019
Earlywine Park Originals
Thank you! 💜
I still didn't recived my badge counter for the Missions.
Just checked again, and unfortunately it still hasn't ticked up. Here's a screenshot of my week stats for reference:
I've still not got my badge yet, no tick, no nothing
@PuzzlL @KelKAZay - if you can, please check MONTH stats now (the timestamp was on the 8th so yesterday was the week there and now these ticks should show in MONTH stats)
@Thales04Miletus @gazzas89 You should now have the badge; you can verify by having your shiny new badge! (Or you can check your MONTH stat)
Wow! Amazingly fast. Thank you!
Hi, I filled out a comment in the now closed thread but when i've tried to use the missing badge form, multiple times over the last 3 days, it has always said its closed.
Can you please process my claim? My game name is the same as on here: MntlDfct
These are the missions i did on Sunday
Garner #1
Garner #2
Garner #3
Garner #4
Garner #5
Garner #6
Lake Benson Park
Capturing Lake Benson Park
Garner Soccer Park
Garner Recreational Park
Do you need any kind of screen shot?
Missions are honestly the only part of this game I enjoy. The WWI trench warfare of constantly taking and then losing portals doesnt appeal to me. So when Niantic finally had an event that catered to missions I was thrilled. And its especially sad to me that the event didnt actually work for me. Anything you can do for me I'd appreciate it
Thank you,
Karl Reimer
I still have not received credit. IGN TheCryptKeeper
Não recebi medalha do dia da missão.
6 Missions done.
Agent name: Sarasoliveira
Hello! I wasn't able to fill out the form on time. @NianticThia is it possible for me to get credit? Attached are three images. Thank you!
Unfortunately I wasn't aware that we have fill out some form to get the badge tick. Is it possible to get it anyway? I made 12 missions.
Thanks in advance
Username: arjoh69