Should I deliver NIA for a medal for 13AR?

They spent 13 weeks of fun that came to an end, they all have their rankings within 1000. Why did NIA bother to take a ranking? an event medal should be given to those who made the 13 ARQ during the closing time.


  • KhatreKhatre ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020

    With a medal, codes would have leaked within hours (probably minutes).

    And you can't give a medal after the possibilty to do it has ended. That would be like, ok those who made 20k fields in 2019 now have a medal. It's a bit unfair.

  • It was very cool event even without a medal frankly speaking. Crossing fingers for new challenges like this. Thanks to all creators!

  • 13 Arq is in the thread of the event, and all the events have a medal, and as they say it was possible to filter if they had informed that it was with a medal, those who participated were the real interested parties.

  • LightseagreenLightseagreen ✭✭✭✭

    I also think so, deliberately for this purpose, so that the challenge code 13AR does not leak, and then distribute medals to those who really follow.

    Now just waiting for the official announcement that Decoding Challenge 13 Archetypes is officially closed and the scoreboard stopped being updated and waiting for further information

  • let's say it's an Edgar medal that is only for some

  • I agree with the locker concept. No one keeps physical media (takes up space) anymore, they have the digital version which does not take up space.

    Medal would be cool. Lots of other events have deadlines. It was definitely an achievment completing 13AR.

  • El 13AR está en la sección de evento y todos llevan medalla, si NIA realizó una clasificación sabrá quién realizó los 13 a esos debería ser la medalla

  • elfobcnelfobcn ✭✭✭

    It is true that with the recent publication of the possibility of obtaining a medal for participation in the Tesselia event when it is about to end.

    It seems that the Decode Challenge has been a little despised in this regard, forgetting the time of dedication that has been necessary for each of those who have achieved the goal of decoding the weekly challenges.

    For some it has been the first contact with decoding and a great experience, it is a pity that said effort was not reflected in the scanner with a participation medal.

  • bans1bans1 ✭✭


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