Archives: Akira Tsukasa (2016) loadout on the in-app Store

edited January 2020 in News

From the Niantic Project Archives, this month features the vintage Akira Tsukasa medal (originally released in 2016). The loadout kit will be available on the in-app Store for one week from Fri, Jan 31 19:00 UTC to Fri, Feb 7 19:00 UTC.

Like the Umbra: ADA, Lynton-Wolfe, Misty bundles and the Archives: Hank Johnson loadout in Dec, this loadout kit is also available 1 per agent. It cannot be purchased multiple times per agent. Agents who have already collected the Akira Tsukasa (2016) medal will not receive a second Tsukasa medal on their profile or a secondary tier on their existing medal.

However, unlike the Umbra: Researcher bundles and Archives: Hank Johnson loadout, we've updated the contents of this kit in response to agent feedback to remove XMPs at your access level and previous Very Rare items. The items included in this month's loadout kit are meant to aid agents organizing gear farms with their local cells.

Archives: Akira Tsukasa (30,800 CMU)

  • Akira Tsukasa (2016) in-app medal
  • Resonator at your access level x10
  • Power Cube at your access level x10
  • Portal Fracker x1
  • Rare Heat Sink x3
  • Rare Multi-hack x3

Happy hacking.

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