Perpetua Medals - What happened to Elite?
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in Hexathlons
From the Ingress Chinese Telegram Channel:
What's "Elite" about having the same identical badge here? If I get in the top 10% again, I'll get the same badge as I did before. I'd prefer to have the Perpetua badge, so I'm going to have to actively prevent myself from excelling.
I'm waiting for the English version but the way I understand it is that you will get both badges if you are elite. It's still a little odd to have nothing to indicate reaching elite multiple times, but perhaps that is coming too.
Translation from the Chinese announcement:
"Participants must complete six designated challenges within the time limit to obtain the in-game Perpetua Medal and the Hexathlon Medal. In each city, the top 10% of any of the six challenges will have their Hexathlon medals upgraded to the elite version. Participants who already have Hexathlon medals can upgrade to the elite version, but will not be downgraded."
So every one who meets the minimum for all six channels gets the yellow Perpetua badge.
Additionally, you get a hexathlon badge (normal or elite depending on your performs) if you don't already have it. And if you already have a normal hexathlon badge from the field test and make it elite now, your badge from the field test is upgraded to elite.
At least the badge is yellow so you don't have another thing to complain about.
Its better explained in Chinese than the oficial version in English...
What if the badge was something like this that showed the agent was Elite in 5 categories
Reading the English version instead of the translation from Chinese, it seems there is no chance to get the "normal" variant of the Hexathlon badge.
I wonder if that is true?
Way too complex for their badge system. You could never properly organise this into 5 tiers.
Give away 5 medals then. The problem of this will be the ones who end as top or more than one category. Will earn multiples badges? If just one, which category?
I believe giving one for each category will be great. Players will focus on one goal at each Hexatlon.
If this is the case (the green/blue doesn't exist anymore), Niantic should retrospectively give away the green/blue to all agents who reached elite in the field test.
This still is really confusing.
Or you know... don't do that.
The events list on the Ingress website uses the green/blue medal to mark the upcoming Hexathlon events. So, this would suggest that the Chinese text was more correct in saying that the normal green / blue medal can be obtained by participating agents if they don't reach elite status and haven't participated at the Field test before.