Please make anomaly attendance accessible again

This will be the first series since Via Noir that I won't be able to attend in person. I ran an anomaly while pregnant, we've traveled to three anomalies since then with a baby in a stroller. But we'll be sitting this one out since we're not flying internationally with a baby during the toughest month of the school year.

The key to keeping your competitive player base engaged is to give them opportunities to be engaged. Having a single anomaly in a single city is profoundly disappointing to everyone who was looking forward to the anomaly list with anticipation. (Unless, I suppose, they are within easy travel distance of Munich.)


  • mortuusmortuus ✭✭✭✭✭

    I agree, if niantic thinks people will fly from all over world to attend the 1 so far announced anomaly in germany in may 2020 then i dont know really how they think ? where will the fun be in just 1 anomaly in may ??? why no anomaly from jan-march 2020 or something ???


    will u release more anomalies worldwide ?

  • Due to work, I can attend anomalies during Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, March, April. Oh wait lol

  • NineBerryNineBerry ✭✭✭✭✭

    Well, looking at historical data (

    • There was no anomaly in the first half of 2018. The first anomaly of 2018 was at the end of July, nearly eight months after the last one in 2017.
    • There was no anomaly in the first half of 2017. The first anomaly of 2017 was at the end of August, more than nine months after the last one in 2016.

  • well 2017 was different then 2018. in 2017 there were many missiondays (at least in europe), so we were not missing anomalies that much. in 2018 there were less missiondays (I dont see historical list, but I feel like number was already dropping then). in 2019 we had close to none missiondays during whole year, and 2020 looks like it will be the same. hexatons probably wont be replacement that is interesting enough, and worth traveling. which is sad.

  • i' m little scare about the idea of playing an anomaly with a baby.... but sure, a lot of time eventes still impossible log-in

  • While having a single anomaly and having it during a school year puts a bloc of players at a disadvantage, the lack of big events penalizes those who chase some badges.

    A year or two, some of the event-centered badges (Mission Day, Goruck variants, NL-1331 vans) were revamped to have the five levels like the standard badges. Someone noted that, even if they attended four or five anomalies per year, that it would still take years or decades to earn Onyx for the badges. With even fewer anomalies now and with those anomalies having less special events, the event badges will take even longer. Not only anomalies, but those working on Mission Day badges now have very few, if any, opportunities to participate in those.

    With some agents playing a sub game with stats and badges (like they don’t want any bronze and work to advance those badges), this puts them more at a disadvantage.

  • The simple fact that they didn't do one in San Francisco and Tokyo where the have staff on hand just seems monumentally inefficient and flat out unintelligent. Niantic must be trying to experiment here to see what the outcome will be.

    My prediction is that it will go bad in at least 2 ways:

    1. The services will be overloaded leading to worse that average Anomaly gameplay kind of like the first Gofest.

    2. Players feel even more ignored and disenfranchised and move further away from ingress.

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