13 Archetypes: Interpreter

This is challenge 2, the Interpreter challenge. Those who are keen of mind will find their way to a unique reward, and a place of glory. When you find your solution, enter the Passcode at https://intel.ingress.com/intel
Words have never quite felt the same to you as to others. You can see through them, past the noise of thought, into the very mind of another. There, you can see their true feelings, ideas, and will untainted by the imperfections of language.
To see the results of the 13 Archetypes decoding challenge, visit https://ingress.com/decoding/13archetypes
The next challenge (Visionary) will be posted next week, at 12/23/2019 3:00+00:00.
Wait... Did this get pushed early?
Keep asking questions... slows down your solve. 😍 jkjk .... go go go! Good luck everyone!
Does this work the same way the first callange worked, so passcode will be kinda same ?
I have got something out of the letters, but that's for sure not the code 😂
Good luck everybody
Interesting description. Because languages are just codification of humanity to express their thought. The interpreter seems it can go beyond languages...
They generally have the form <random numbers and letters>WORD<other random numbers and letters> and of varying lengths. Beyond that, umm, I dunno anything else about this one yet. The linked letters are all unique, so there's that.
Nice to see such a change in puzzle styles, this was a fun one as well :) Onto the next :)
Interesting sounds 🧐
Will see what to get out of them...
Help plz with format of answer.
Thanks for the challenge!
I've got a single unified file, which gives me some simple text strings, some of which are misspelled. Nothing easily readable resembles a passcode, My current guess is that something in the audio is useful, but I cannot play around with it just now, gotta wait for a few hours.
It was a nice challange. Thank you <3
Let's see NIA can find my redemption this time
I bravely submitted through the Intel Map, just for you :)
Also, Niantic messed up their timezones once again. This was supposed to be posted at "12/16/2019 22:00+00:00", but it was posted at 21:00 UTC. So better prepare to be 1 hour early next week, too.
Yes, I just got up 21:30 UTC and solved in 15mins. Niantic.
Super fun!
redeemed. Now that's 2 challenges messed up out of two. One with people missing, second one hour earlier than promised. Still long way to go and plenty of space for future failures.
I’m more than a little perplexed that several here solved this so quickly. Is this possible without software?
The audacity of having to solve for this
Anything that can be done with a computer can be done with pencil and paper, given enough time. =)
That said, NOBODY would want to spend the time required to do this without some kind of software help.
My first job out of college was working for Xing, who did, amoung other things, MP3 audio compression codecs, so I had some familiarity here.
The most complicated software tool i used was "Audacity", a digital audio editor. That, and a web browser.
Oh boy! Lots of noises
i thought these would be thought problems, not a test of how tech savvy one is.
Fun to solve!
I use Python and the free-opensource library to write a code and then use command line to get the output. But visual studio code and python.exe are still softwares, aren't they? XD