2020 Event Schedule (Jan - May)
We have seen your requests for information about Ingress events in 2020. As we work to finalize the exact locations, we wanted to announce the event schedule for the first half of next year. Here is what you can look forward to:
Perpetua Hexathlon: February 29th (15 global cities)
Lexicon Hexathlon: April 25th (15 global cities)
Requiem Anomaly: May 9th Munich, Germany
We also recognize that many of you have questions about Mission Days for 2020. We are working to redesign the process at the moment to make it easier and more scalable. We recently tested out awarding Mission Day medals to Agents who completed at least six Mission Day missions during the specific event window without needing players to manage the process and verify Agent participation. The test was a success without any problems. While we are not yet at the point of opening 2020 Mission Day applications. We hope to do so in the near future.
We are also planning a few in-game events as well.
More information about all of these events will be coming in the following weeks and months ahead. We plan to release the February Perpetua Hexathlon cities next week. All of these events will have free onsite and offsite participation tickets with medals awarded for ticketed participants. Stay tuned for more!
What is a Hexathlon?
Thank you for releasing the dates, so people can at least request days off. Look forward to seeing the list of cities!
I am throwing a stupid guess. Six competitions in parallel (similar to the model implemented for Field test) but it's just a stupid guess
Just 1 anomaly site?
Mhm we can request our days off and flights and hotel prices are ***?? ** so yey for useful information 🙈
More tests for prime.
Last year's Field Tests were Hexathlons. 6 events independently scored, top-tier badge awarded to the highest scoring 10% of each event (e.g. most hacks, distance walked, etc). These events ran completely autonomously (i.e. player-run) with no contact between Niantic and player PoCs.
and none of them on the "live events" page... =(
One anomaly in H1 2020.
That is so incredibly disappointing.
Seriously? One anomaly site, for one anomaly date, for all of 1H2020?
No one was asking for more hexathalons, they were asking for anomalies. The team play and organization that goes with them (and large field ops, though Niantic has minimal direct involvement in those and is breaking them in ways outlined on other threads) is what makes Ingress great. This is.....not that.
I am beyond disappointed.
So, no anomalies until May 2020...
So boring
Please dont say only 1 anomaly germany???
I really hope not
I can't say I'm not disappointed.
While the Hexathlons are great, a single Anomaly in Europe, nothing in Asia, nothing in the Americas, means many of us will finally break our streak of having every single Anomaly badge. I just can't justify flying to Germany for Ingress.
hexathlon - six challenges...
I wonder why only Europe... Not that I complain being Europe based... but we'll see what's coming up in June to December...
We need a longer lead time for city events so we can plan time off work, travel and accommodation.
two months isn’t enough.
Mitsubishi not difficult to plan these things with more lead time
So, the first round of cities will have only two months to organize an anomaly? What about flights booking ? Strategy? Clusters? This is going to be insane!
You didn't make it clear if there will only be one anomaly site for Requiem or not. If it will be the only one, it will be too much disappointment for America and Asia players. Please make it clear if you will announce new anomaly dates for Requiem or not.
I don't know if you care enough but you are losing your players by doing so.
Oh lovely! How much will the ticket for the anomaly cost and will a) Prime not work again and b) everybody get a refund? And is a Boris, err Hank Johnson Medal included in the ticket price? Together with P2W L8 gear? =:D
They aren't anomalies, they're field tests. I'm beyond upset about this. I liked Field Test, but I want real anomalies too. This will **** any of the remaining community who unite around anomalies.
I am really disappointed that there is only 1 anomaly on 1 date. While individually focused events could be an interesting addition, the team based anomaly events really allow people to work together on strategy and organization for great experiences for their team. This kind of teamwork is FUN! And has strengthened the Ingress community and encouraged regional and global collaborations. Let's have more anomalies!!!
They're not anomalies. Niantic screwed everyone over again.
Well here's my chance to give the wallet a break for a bit..lol
I am going to try for Germany as I wanted to go to Europe next year anyway. Its on my bucket list. If it doesn't happen hopefully the second half of the year will have some awesome locations.
Hint hint : Ireland or Scottland 😁
From what I understand (based on field test reprots), the hexathlon event will be based on individual statistics across various categories. I have to say this is extremely disappointing as one of the best things about this game is the fact that by working together, agents can achieve far greater things than they can as individuals. Coming together in this way is what has made such amazing communities that converge in great numbers on anomaly sites.
Please carefully consider the way the ruleset for the event is structured and give agents some ways that require teamwork. Shard scoring, Fields standing, long links, anything that is bigger than just a simple statistics competition. Give us a reason to come together as a team rather than fight each other for top scores.
Wow, Niantic. Nothing but disappointment since the release of prime. Lame.
"Requiem" sounds... Threatening.
All of these events will have free onsite and offsite participation tickets with medals awarded for ticketed participants
That means Hexathlon, Anomaly, in-game events, or all of them?
The only anomaly is in May. That's a bit more than two months advance notice 😉