Post Anomaly Water Cooler

I just wanted to give a big thanks to everyone that came out/contributed this weekend for both factions. Thank you also to Niantic for hosting the events and for putting the staff out with us civilians. I went to Sacramento for the weekend. The weather was absolutely perfect, both factions played and had a great time. I personally didn't have a single issue with playing prime. Win, lose, or draw thanks again to everyone again who contributed. My best advice for today jet lagged and sleep deprived is to "Do as the clock does, and keep moving forward"

I would love for you to share anything positive you took away from this weekend. Let me know if this was your first anomaly and tag the person who got you to come. Let me know if your team won, if you did a banner that was on your bucket list, if you made a new friend ect. I look forward to hearing all the different stories and input.


  • Big thanks to the Res Gothenburg team. Great job with the info before the anomaly, great meet&greet, great afterparty, great swag! You made this anomaly great!

  • It was good seeing and talking with you on mission day.

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