Ingress Insights: UI Pass 2



  • I think putting some time into the way the portals themselves look would be nice. I mean they look so plain and boring, and they're supposed to be full of power.

  • Be great to have direct & quick access to the portal key inventory. (have a key icon) placed on the scanner somewhere.

  • The managed screen is much appreciated. As an agent who hit the item cap about a week ago, I can attest that it makes item management so much easier. Although, I wish we could drop items through the managed screen as well as recycle them

    I didn't notice the dots on the menu options until you told me about them. It's a cool addition. I can explore the menus now. In fact, now I know that you can go to the portal mod menu by pressing and holding deploy. Sweet.

    It would be nice if you could glyph hack a portal by pressing and holding down on it the map screen.

    Also, could you give some feedback when you are done tracing glyphs to show that the timer has stoped? It could be the phone vibrating, or maybe a flash of light or something. Waiting for the glyph results screen instead of pressing done is a bit unintuitive.

  • Please find below a translation in French. Hope this helps.

    Chers agents,

    c'est le moment de la mise à jour 2 de l'interface graphique ! Nos efforts incessants visant à améliorer Prime se sont poursuivis, et avec la version 2.31.2, nous avons axé nos efforts sur un scanner plus avancé, et une expérience de jeu améliorée pour tous. Les retours que les agents nous font sont inestimables, et influencent notablement les décisions que nous prenons quant à l'orientation future de Prime. Avec cette mise à jour #2, nous avons poursuivi l'amélioration des interactions en termes d'interface graphique et d'expérience utilisateur, et avons aussi compléter le gap des fonctionnalités clefs avec Redacted. Il y a aussi quelques nouveautés qui rendront le jeu sur le terrain plus efficace.

    Avec la carte pour commencer, nous avons ajusté l'affichage du résultat des hacks, au niveau des fenêtres et des animations. Les animations ont été collées au bord gauche de l'écran, tandis que les rectangles récapitulatifs ont été remontés au-dessus du cercle d'action. Cela libère en conséquence de la place sur le scanner, permettant de continuer de jouer rapidement. De plus, tapoter sur un portait ouvre directement la vue détaillée du portail, même si le rectangle récapitulatif est affiché.

    Il manquait ne fonctionnalité importante permettant de jouer rapidement : l'appui long sur la carte. Désormais, les agents peuvent faire un appui long sur un portail sur la carte, et ensuite glisser pour faire un hack avec ou sans clef. Il n'est plus nécessaire d'entrer dans la vue détaillée du portail pour obtenir un peu de matériel rapidement.

    Nous avons par ailleurs ajouté des animations explicitant les actions par glissement qu'un agent peut effectuer depuis le bouton du menu principal : un appui long sur ce bouton va l'expanser en trois boutons primaires, habituellement situés au sein du menu principal. Les agent peuvent donc rapidement effectuer ces actions par glissement sans quitter la carte. Un glisser vers le haut invoque le carrousel des armes, vers la gauche pour l'inventaire, et vers la droite pour le COMM.

    Astuce de pro : les petits points sur le bouton principal indiquent que des actions par glisser sont disponibles. Sur la vue détaillée d'un portail, il est aussi possible de faire un glisser sur les boutons Déployer, Hack et Charge.

    Et maintenant, le carrousel de l'inventaire : il semble que les objets Ingress aient été affectés par la matière sombre (Dark Matter), ou une autre donnée ordonnée encore inconnue. Auparavant, les "objets XM" avaient la couleur de base des items d'inventaire. Désormais, ils ont la couleur correspondant au dégradé XM. Ainsi les niveaux et raretés des objets seront plus visibles pour la plupart. Cela permettra aux agents d'identifier plus facilement les items en un clin d'œil.

    De plus, nous avons ajouté la possibilité de recycler plusieurs niveaux items en une fois. Les agents peuvent aussi maintenant glisser d'une catégorie d'objet à une autre, même en étant dans la vue détaillée d'un niveau d'objet. Cela permet aux joueurs de choisir les quantités d'objets de chaque catégorie à l'ensemble à recycler, permettant d'accélérer le processus de gestion de l'inventaire.

    Pour accompagner toutes les modifications ci-dessus :

    Le hack avec glyphe a été raffiné pour réduire les problèmes de lisibilité et pour rendre cette interaction de l'agent avec le portail plus appréciable temporellement.

    L'entête de l'Agent reflète désormais plus précisément la progression de votre PA actuel, qui s'affiche horizontalement en haut de l'écran.

    L'interface graphique des missions a été peaufinée pour améliorer la clarté, et le tri de la liste a été corrigé.

    L'icône de clef dans l'écran d'interaction avec un portail fait maintenant office de raccourci vers l'écran de détail de clef, ce qui accélère le gestion des clefs.

    Enfin, l'implémentation du feedback de tapotement ajoute un niveau de réactivité crucial lors de l'interaction avec le scanner.

    Nous espérons que ces ajouts au scanner Prime vous serviront.

       L'équipe Ingress

  • Agent profiles take a ridiculously long time to load. Seriously. Like 1 - 3 minutes to be able to check stats or show off your new shiny badge.

    I know is a minor thing, but it's just SO annoying.

    Also, are those increased inventories a sneak peak??? 👀

  • Prime is still a horrible user experience. At least 95% of the userbase will confirm that. You may wait for user feedback to improve it but there is alot more feedback the devs can get themselves if they actually tried to play the game. Also try it on slower phones with 3GB of RAM please, Try playing 2 hours a day, browsing through keys and dropping them and picking them up and trying to find keys in the inventory loading/unloading them from capsules. Try going through capsules of keys and recharge them with a 3GB RAM phone. I urge you to do that if you want to improve this degradaded piece of code. Many technical problems cannot be reproduced unless you play it for a while.

    I wish the devs experienced our daily frustration and how much we swear at this app and how it just freezes at silly unnecessary animations or when trying to get the last glyph hack of a pita portal that you spend a bunch of cash on petrol to get to.

    Is stuff like adding a bar for what vibrates more important than the app stability?

    I am sorry to say, and I know it is not just me, everybody I know shouts out how bad this is and I am baffled with what seems to be the dev team priority decisions for this app.

    My honest opinion.

  • My perspective is that of a newer player that has only used the prime scanner. I also use a Galaxy Note 9 so the phone has enough power that it shouldn't be an issue. Here is my thoughts.

    1. Like the organization of the items. Would be nice to set a custom organization for keys so I can put the ones I like all in the same place in the list of keys.
    2. I like being able to hack directly from the map. I would note that the hack key is up and to the left and on the details screen the large hack button has key up to the right. I would make them in the same position.
    3. The indicators of other local portals is a real issue as mentioned here and in other forums. Many are in favor of outright removal. I would suggest an on off toggle but also perhaps a radius setting. So nearby portals only show up if they are within X distance.
    4. A single layer field is almost invisible. I would suggest using a seamless texture of some kind as an additional overlay. I would also mention that the opposite can be true as well. With enough layered fields, the "map" details are lost in the heavy color. Perhaps the texture could have a number value instead of laying the colors thicker.
    5. The pointer still doesn't know which way I'm going if I hold the phone upright. Perhaps use the accelerometer in the phones to get a better directional sense. My guess is that direction is being calculated along a single plane instead of 3-dimentionally as a phone is used in 3 dimensional space.

    While not specifically an issue with the scanner, I would suggest the intel map have a "pause" button for updates. Some of us like to use it to plan fields and it can become annoying to wait for the map to update every time we move around.

    Thanks for all the hard work you guys do. Looking forward to updates.

  • Thanks

  • would be great, add more new idea make it easy to play. Do more and more is the best.

  • Do agree with the colours of gear. "5 and 6" as well as "7 and 8" both are very similar. Level 4 stuff is practically invisible to me against the black of the scanner.

  • Were can i stream my realplay walk and gameplay on android Smartphone? The hole lot of all in one device? Twitch or YouTube connections were a nice try do do so. Take look at yt/dexxer78 want do to live streams... if this is in the rules make to take in anny time in this world.

    Greedings from neo4o4 and neo4o4leage at tg.

    Raßnitz outpost by night.

  • Just for sh!ts and giggles, can we get different skins for the scanner? Maybe have a throwback skin to the original scanner?

  • GrogyanGrogyan ✭✭✭✭✭

    This has been requested a lot, and it is unlikely to happen, as all the UI elements would have to be reworked to be modular to work with with different skins.

    Personally I would like Niantic to bring back the UI of the original scanner (Redacted) as a skin, at a cost that would enable old players to return.

    Myself, I have already adapted to the new UI, but miss the big buttons of old.

  • GorillaSapiensGorillaSapiens ✭✭✭✭✭

    i'd settle for a single/default skin where all the UI elements have good visibility / contrast.

    the current UI has MANY elements that simply aren't visible under normal playing conditions.

  • Sounds about right. Not really sure what decade this was posted in, seriously though, but apparently you can only get a key if you map pack the portal so that's functional I never get a key when I glyph and I never get a key when I portal key hack. Then there's times where what I just received gets stuck in the middle of the screen so yes put it to the side all the way to the side as far to the side as you can so that I could just watch it like you do in Pokemon go slowly disappear on its own instead of having to touch the screen and make it disappear so I can get the next portal that's right next to the one I just hacked oops I can't because something's in the way constantly. Colors are colors and they're cool. It seems like the storyline is not really going anywhere or that they're just continuing a story they haven't figured out yet, but I guess I'm game.

  • So I took a long long break from Ingress and came back to a completely red world that within a week was wiped clean so yeah they still haven't improved much but with the portal scanning I think what they want to do is have you walk by a portal and see a 3D version of it on your phone you kind of get that now but it's like a blurry image but that all has to do with overclocking and scanning on different devices different operating systems different times of day consistently and that's a pain in the **** especially if you're the only person doing it in your town.

  • The new UI updates in version 2.31.2 of Prime are a significant improvement, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics. From revamped hack output animations to streamlined portal interactions and improved inventory management, these changes promise a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience for agents.

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