Aurora progress tracker
If you're **** for a specific badge you can check the numbers on this page to see if you're on track. It's basically a countdown timer that shows you where you should be with your "Aurora: Unique Glyph Hack Points"
i dont see how this help? everyone glyphs different.. numbers mean nothing if u can do 100+hacks a day its no problem ....
I feel bad for agents who need this counter to basic division for them.
The time zone math does make the basic division a little less basic.
I also feel bad for adults who can't figure out timezones.
No, that a lie. I actually feel frustrated by adults who can't figure out timezones, because I'm constantly correcting them.
I've had to deal with timezone in coding projects and when you also toss in stupid daylight savings and occasional zones that are a half-hour off, it gets really messy.