email change, make Niantic/Ingress ID for all players

Niantic needs to offer an option for all accounts to change the email address associated with an account.
Currently, there’s no access for Intel or Mission Creative Tool for me because those are still linked with the original email address ([email protected]).
If you need to change the email address, currently you have to use Facebook / Google logging but you loose access to Intel & Mission Creative Tool because those two are still stuck with the original email address :(
Another issue here is that not everyone uses Facebook this days and forcing players to create an account just for the purpose of changing an email address on Ingress is...well, not ok.
Here’s the solution for everything: make a Niantic ID profile for each player and unify all services so that when a player wants to change the email address that will happen on all services associated with that profile.
Players must have a choice for logging in, something like Niantic/Ingress ID, Google ID, Facebook ID and Apple ID...I’ll prefer the first one: Niantic/Ingress ID
This is what I was looking for. Niantic needs to improve Intel. At least the Ingress account should be synchronized with the one in Intel.
I tried to reserve my Ingress name as my Niantic ID via Niantic ( However, as soon as I signed in I was not given a choice! How can I use my Ingress name as my Niantic ID?
It keeps saying I don't have any codenames which is nonsense since I've used the same account for three of their games.
This new Niantic ID seems to a be a tactical no-no for Ingress players who want to be stealthy but occupied in other Niantic games when doing ops.
This might force me to pick one game and no others, to Niantic's loss.
We already went through this loop once already with PoGo and Ingress. Now we're doing it again?
the new niantic id does not have any of my usernames with the appropriate capital letters. as an example (it's not really my username) but if i were QuantumPineapple, why would i want my niantic id to be quantumpineapple? the capitial letters are an intregal part of the username - even if the id itself recognizes lower and upper cases as a single case (meaning that a difference in capitalization would not be a unique unsername), couldn't we use what the actual username is, not some grammerless lowercase non-sense?
i don't mind the concept, just the execution.
If me, what different from this suggestions username? 🤔
It has simply drawn the username from the two Niantic games you play. I have accounts on three, so I was offered three of the same name.
Like the original post, I am not happy to lose the capital letter in my name.
I have the same question, but from the other way round - for reasons lost to time, I didn't capitalise my name in Ingress, but I wish I could :) I got presented the same info, three identical users to choose, all lower case.
I'd like to be able to edit the display of the name to be spinyUK or some variant of that, as i an spiny of the UK, not 'spin yuk' or any other odd pronunciation :)
Same thing for me, no capitalization and no difference between the two options…
That would definitely be an issue for myself as well, if it were to even display any of my codenames in the first place. Capitalization is important for my username too.
I have same problem
If you logon with Facebook, you'll have to wait on FB & Niantic to iron out their problems. Otherwise...
Try it in any browser that isn't Chrome. (I use Brave on laptop and phone.) Chrome has some kind of pop-up blocker that breaks it.
Accept cookies the first time it asks.
Maybe those will help.
My ingress ID was always with a capital "M" (Millopai) and I only had an option with a small "m". how to solve? I would like my niantic ID the same as Ingress, Millopai
By not reserving a Niantic ID. In other words, do nothing.
However, I would caution that if you're interacting with any Niantic game - you're already out there doing something in the real world. You still need to be self aware of what your actions are doing - especially when the gameplay has been around for 9 years and at least 5 years with Pokémon Go. A knowledgable can still narrow down what you're doing if they encounter you in person. Being stealthy in Ingress is more with being COMM silent.
Presumably there is a feature being released on all Niantic Products that requires a specific name to be used.
Like more information regarding this please @NianticThia
It seems like a privacy issue with the agent above. I believe others share the same concerns about privacy. What does Niantic do with the information given by its players when they decide to avail the Niantic ID?
Well, in some way have to worry about Pikmin Bloom, as the trail of flowers you are leaving behind also constitutes as a personal boundary that should not be crossed.
But if I'm am capturing portals, linking and fielding, then the opposition knows where I am.
The Niantic ID is strange, if Thia hasn't said anything, we should know more about in a few days when,
A). Brian Rose talks about Ingress at
B). The Niantic ARDK (Lightship) release
I have a feeling your only way to "opt out" is going to be "don't use the friends list and don't use the chat" (and that might not even work, if they make it too easy to look up a player's Niantic ID).
As a secretive agent myself, I'm planning to purge my Niantic Friends list of anybody I'm not 100% sure is a same-faction agent, and use a different Google Account for any future Niantic games I join. (I probably won't be joining any future Niantic games, anyway, because if there's anything Niantic taught me, it's that playing two location-based games is exhausting.)
Hope it enables us to log in without having to use facebook & google which are subjected to out of control outrages
I guess waiting was the fix, I tried it again today and it gives me my codenames. Albeit all in lower case.
For those that used different mails for each game to avoid having the same mail linked to every game, is this the prelude of a new multiaccounting policy?
Hey there, Agents! I've merged a few of your posts with this thread for visibility.
We have an FAQ up on the Niantic ID site. Check out this link: for more information and please reference the FAQ for up-to-date info from the team related to Niantic ID.
Any additional info regarding the lack of capital letters in niantic ID reservations? Some usernames really don’t work well when forced into all lowercase.
You can merge redundant discussions? You should do that more often!