"The first three letters of Niantic are NIA"

"Never forget, the first three letters of Niantic are NIA"

What did Myriad mean by this?


  • Tactic to scare people. 3-letter named orgs are 'scary' so i think that's all they were trying to accomplish. I mean who hadn't figured out that NIA and Niantic are the same org?

  • Myriad was implying that the routine maintenance was a cover story from the National Intelligence Agency.

  • MoogModularMoogModular ✭✭✭✭✭

    Technically "NIA" does not exist after the Niantic Project ceased. The first action by NIA was to cover up anything that held them accountable. So much that they killed two people from the start. (in both 1218 and Osiris)

    It's a reminder that we are truthseekers

  • ArkFangArkFang ✭✭✭✭✭

    Also, according to PAC in the introduction to Ingress Prime he said that the NIA created the Niantic Project think tank. Yes it was mostly as a scare tactic but also a reminder that the Niantic Project is a part of the NIA.

  • MoogModularMoogModular ✭✭✭✭✭

    Now that we know Myriad was exposed to the side effects of RPE from Kureze, it makes more sense when Myriad was questioning reality

  • *NIA (National Intelligence Agency)*

    "Invenire Investigare Ad Temperare"

    Government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information



    *Niantic Project*

    NIA think tank to study xm 

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