Field Test Playbox
in Events
The recently posted Field Test Site Application contains a field for playbox, but does not provide any criteria for what this will entail. For example, no information is provided on how many portals should be in the playbox, what the portal density should be, or how large geographically the playbox should be. Please clarify the playbox request so that agents can make proposals that better align with the event.
Does this still apply? Seems to be a similar process from a technical standpoint. Not all agents will be familiar with mymaps.
My initial thought is to test new gameplay features it would need to be at least big enough for a IFS but not necessarily anomaly size.
Given it is stated that the test is for individual and small group actions, a park with about a dozen portals should suffice.
some suggested number of portals or portals pr agent would be nice. Just som ballpark figures on area size / portals
Requirements for a:
Then I'm sure we can extrapolate from this
how large geographically the playbox should be
Not sure this note was in the first version of the application form.
Interesting. I don't think that was there originally. Thanks for the update.
How do you register to this event?
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You can now register from the Prime scanner (latest version). After tapping the action button an Event option appears on the right side of the screen.