Find nearby portals


When I try to find nearby portals on Intel map I find it very difficult:

For instance, sometime a distance betwin two portals in rural areas is 20km.

Intel map doesn't t show them, so I have to really zoom in if I want to see portals, then drag map along this big distance.

Thank you


  • DrHydrosaurDrHydrosaur ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 17

    If you get IITC, there is an add on that lets you override the scale limits so that you can see “all portals” at scales that Intel map limits to “links over 1 km”, for example.

    It’s a bit risk though since if you zoom too far out you may get flagged for scraping data (or so I understand)

    It’s called “Fixed Zoom” and it’s a Java script specifically for use with IITC, but unfortunately I doubt I can just link it here .

    Google IITC (Ingress Intel Total Conversion) to get access to Intel map with superior tools.

  • EvilSuperHerosEvilSuperHeros ✭✭✭✭✭

    Things the original App had that the new App still doesn't have.

  • EngrishEngrish ✭✭✭✭

    I do this when looking for portals out in the middle of nowhere, go into, zoom in to show all portals, then on your browser default settings, zoom out to where it will show aot more of the map. Make sure you have it on ingress default map. Find a group of portals, center the map then zoom in on the browser to view. This is best on a computer, not mobile.

  • joecainjoecain ✭✭✭✭✭
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