[Improvements] Cell Battles: Gigafields and announcement lead time

KonnTowerKonnTower ✭✭✭✭✭

Granted that some cell battles were balanced... There were a few which skewed hard due to large fields well outside the cell which was chosen. While highly effective, this doesn't feel true to the nature of what a cell battle is meant to reflect.

It would be nice if in the future, cell battles were contained within the cells selected, or only allow portals outside a certain distance from the border. Much like how you can't field over an anomaly to "ruin" it for others, these large fielding ops which completely cover the cell from locations nowhere nearby seem to cause some pretty lopsided results.

All in all, our cell battle was pretty evenly matched and strategy won the day. This was the closest thing I've had to what would be considered "old school" play so I appreciate the event. I think it would be better if you gave a month notice and limited the battle to a special 3-day weekend, allowing your 9-5 workers the ability to request time off or travel if needed.

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