Small feature request: Optionally display wings when stats are private

HosetteHosette ✭✭✭✭✭

Lots of people keep their stats private because they don't want people to track the details of their daily activity. Displaying wings on badges doesn't leak any of that information, though... it just gives a vague indicator of the total magnitude for each stat. It's not really a big deal, but it would be nice to allow people to display wings on their badges, and maybe even the "x N" information when the badge is tapped, but still keep exact numbers hidden.

The information provided by wings contains less detail than the badge levels between locked and onyx.


  • EvilSuperHerosEvilSuperHeros ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 28

    2nd this!

    Wings and the #

  • grendelwulfgrendelwulf ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 28

    Nah. You don't get the benefits of privacy and showing off at the same time. Instead if your stats are private, you shouldn't get to view anyone else's stats either. And in addition to that, add the option to permanently disable the ability to hide your own stats and give an "Unmasked" badge for opting in.

  • Tbh id prefer making Agent stats private a core feature

    Nia needs to keep subscribers going & this is icing, thatll make protesters thunk again if they value privacy of their daily gameplay increasements

  • GrogyanGrogyan ✭✭✭✭✭

    Since Guardian portals went bye bye many years ago, I see zero point of having hidden stats.

  • starwortstarwort ✭✭✭✭✭

    That's not exactly true. The Guardian medal stopped a long time ago, but since the stat remains there are still some people who have portals that they regard as Guardian portals.

    My stats have been open since I hit 150, and that was in 2015 or so.

  • IcyBlueHeartIcyBlueHeart ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 29

    I personally have always chosen the most restrictive setting for game data as long as it had no game impact for me. Just a personal preference. You want a peek under the hood, just ask. As far as game play, give me one good reason why your random curiosity is more important than my choice not to show you.

  • VenomousToadVenomousToad ✭✭✭✭✭

    Guardian hunting is still a thing. There are still players scraping data, it's just how the game is played. So hidden stats should be automatic. No reason to give the cheaters the satisfaction of knowing if their data scraping is accurate. I'd like the wings to stay private too. My stats are mine to share. I'd like to even hide all the badges and missions. But in reality I don't expect anything will ever change. I mean scrapers are still active and that was supposed to be addressed years ago.

  • KarM3LKarM3L ✭✭✭✭

    Requires a redesign of the system....

    Resources best placed else where... nice thought tho...

  • HosetteHosette ✭✭✭✭✭

    @KarM3L Why a redesign? It probably wouldn't take more than adding one additional item to settings and changing if(A) to if(A || B) to the logic for displaying wings on badges. If so, the average intern could knock that out in an hour.

  • starwortstarwort ✭✭✭✭✭

    [Warning: pure speculation follows.]

    Wings were added as a bolt-on to the pre-existing profile. The logic for displaying wings on badges is almost certainly to look up the stat for that badge and display the wings if the value is high enough. But if the person has their stats private then you don't have that number* and thus cannot display the wings. Therefore a redesign and a data-backfill would be required to add a 'has-wings' flag to each badge on the profile.

    [*] I would hope that the stat numbers for someone with private stats are never sent to the client, not that they are sent but the client decides not to show them. The latter would be sure to lead to data leaks.

  • HosetteHosette ✭✭✭✭✭

    @starwort It's possible, but it seems more likely to me that the decision is made server-side. That's based on nothing but instinct, but that instinct is honed by a few decades in software engineering.

  • DrHydrosaurDrHydrosaur ✭✭✭✭

    If you can send “has onyx” you can send “has onyx +x”, no?

  • starwortstarwort ✭✭✭✭✭

    Only if the data protocol has a space for that flag (and that integer, if you want the x as well).

  • starwortstarwort ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is Niantic we're talking about. :-)

    Imagine you're a Niantic intern who wants to hack the client to put wings on the medals. If you want the decision to be made server-side then you have to update the data protocol to relay the information. If the decision is made on the client then you don't have to update it.

  • KarM3LKarM3L ✭✭✭✭

    It was discussed previously somewhere, anyone able to search properly..

    The wings are calculated client side from player stats, if stats are private the client doesn't see them or wings


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