Kinetic Capsule Ready Messing With Inventory

PenumbruhPenumbruh ✭✭
edited February 28 in Report a Bug

Hi, today when my Kinetic Capsules were ready to claim and I got the notification in game in the bottom right corner I noticed something strange. When I click the message it takes me into the inventory carousel to claim the capsules but if I back out it will display that the submenu I am in is whatever previous submenu I was in before clicking the message (resonators, weapons, etc) instead of being in the "Capsules" submenu. I'm not sure if this is just a visual bug or if it's a functional bug but I thought to report it so that the team and other agents would be aware.

Steps to replicate

1: Open your inventory and navigate to a submenu that it not the "Capsules" menu

2: When a kinetic capsule is ready to redeem click the message

3: Once in the screen where it says "Claim" click the "X" once

4: You'll notice that it will be on the previous submenu you had navigated to before clicking the Kinetic Capsule alert message.

Operating System: iOS

iOS Version: 17.3.1

Ingress App Version: 2.135.1

Network: WiFi & 5G

1 votes

Active · Last Updated


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