bad vibration on 2.135.1
in Report a Bug
Ingress 2.135.1
android 14
pixel 6 pro
Vibration set to "Default"
sometimes, but not every time, pressing the (X) in the bottom center to close a screen gives vibration feedback.
during remote recharging, tap the key, then when you tap the [Charge] button, that also vibrates.
i HATE the vibration feedback. really, the ONLY time i want it is when i'm glyph hacking (because my fingers are on top of the glyph points, and i can't SEE when i hit one, i NEEED the vibration to know when i've hit a glyph point) . i'd like to be able to turn on vibration for that and ONLY that, nothing else.
Since you're ignoring the bounties feature, you may be running into the issue that the scanner vibrates sometimes if there's an unclaimed completed bounty. One of the possible bounties is "Recharge portals with 40,000 XM" which is a trivial amount for a regular recharger. The bounties vibration feature seems a bit haphazard at the moment.
agree "haphazard". bounties should not cause unrelated things on unrelated screens to vibrate.
at the risk of repetition.... really, the ONLY time i want vibration is when i'm glyph hacking (because my fingers are on top of the glyph points, and i can't SEE when i hit one, i NEEED the vibration to know when i've hit a glyph point) . i'd like to be able to turn on vibration for that and ONLY that, nothing else. guys are getting vibration? It's been a while since it's worked for me.
Having used 2.135.1 a bit now I think it's working like this: each time you do an action that makes progress towards one or more bounties, if you are on the map screen you get the little message stripe appearing at the bottom for a couple of seconds and then going away again for each bounty that changed. (Since "drone hack one portal", "hack N portals" and "earn N glyph points" are all possible bounties that can be simultaneously progressed with a single scanner action it's possible for this stripe to appear and disappear multiple times in succession.)
Each time the stripe appears and each time it goes away again, there's a vibration. But not only that: if you are not on the map screen then the stripe doesn't appear but the vibration still happens. This can lead to your phone going "zzt zzt zzt zzt" for apparently no reason while you are busy doing other stuff.
With recharging just after new bounties have loaded it can be bad because each press of the Charge All button makes progress against a bounty (if you happen to have that one). However, I do find that after the first 3 or 4 portals it does calm down and stop doing it.
I've found that if I tap on the buttons really quickly, they don't vibrate (well, as often).
As I'm rolling through my keys to recharge, I'm definitely using a lighter touch to trigger this less.