Pleasant Grove, UT First Saturday - In Person

This month we met in Pioneer Park in Pleasant, Grove for First Saturday.

Pioneer Park, also known as Pioneer Heritage Park, was created by Pleasant Grove City in 1947 as a place where people learn about Pleasant Grove’s history. Items displayed in Pioneer Park have some connection to the settlement, history, people or cultural life of Pleasant Grove, or were donated by individuals or groups with a historical connection or strong ties to the community.

We competed for the most AP, most portals captured, and furthest walked. The winners received VR loadout cards, a 3d printed 1331 van, and a key chain made out of the badge they won.

Big thanks to everyone who came out to play and enjoy cross faction gameplay!



  • I had a good time! It was nice to meet some new people, and put faces to those names.

    See y'all next month!

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