What’s the point in playing when…
What’s the point in playing when there are only a few active players…and they are on the same team! Sometimes the other team will show up, but not very often! Would be nice if _MACHINA_ would start terrorizing the area when one team is dominating!! Give us few active players something to do!! Come on over to
43.1220196, -123.4127440
There’s more Pokemon Go players on one block here than Ingress players in these maps! All I can do now is just wait for the portals to go back to zero energy, then rinse and repeat! *yawn*
This is why the red should infect blue and green portals if after some time there hasnt been any player activity....
Sounds like someone on your team should switch sides to give you things to do. Not being able to use a burster has to be boring.
Its like that in many places. Complete lack of advertising for the game brings in almost no new players (unless they come from pogo, usually so they can have MOAR poi for pogo, and possibly end up hanging around). Get used to it for the most part. Come up with fielding plans that leave your larger clusters open for fielding, or start micro fielding them. Get better and better at maximizing your fielding.
Its likely not going to get much better unless an agent flips to the other side, but that usually leads to all kinds of other issues. Or people start breaking the TOS in other creative ways that are usually stupid obvious (ie don't do it).
Are these supposed to have fields or what?
Just stop recharging, let them decay and you can play every 7 days. What's the point of charging portals when you have no opposition? This is happening in many areas and it's because the numbers are falling. Very few still play. Just let things decay and field again. Until Niantic starts advertising the number of players will continue to fall. They still need us to scan so they will keep it up and running. Once we stop scanning they will pull the plug.
Thus is why the Ingress team need to actually advertise the game outside the Ingress circles so that new players can come in.
What got me to join was Pokemon Go. What made me stay was activating overclock on all the portals.
The maps have one player that must go out of the county a lot, made huge fields. I did all the small ones to get rid of my 400+ keys after getting the last charging medal. My largest control field ever is just worth 316 MUs.
I'm sorry you missed the best years of ingress. Unfortunately it will only get worse, niantic will NOT magically start advertising for a dead game, and no one should be scanning right now.
doubt they will throw money for ads
Seems they just want to brag about having no competition. If they were really serious about wanting to play they would switch sides so they could take everything down and encourage some back and forth gameplay. Many areas have no competition and it seems many like it. They can field however they want and have no worries of anyone taking it down. When you can do anything without competition you can create some big fields. Not sure how that's fun but many areas are like this. I'm an AP hound so being on the underdog team is so much better for me. Stagnation would be miserable.
You're playing a neverending recurring prisoners dilemma, what you're seeing is the end result equilibrium as players have slowly lost the need to go out and earn AP or regularly perform anything other than maintaining MU fields. You'll find that there are heavily blue areas, but then heavily green areas. These areas are where one team has effectively shut out the other team and made it so they don't want to make the effort to play anymore. There are small DMZs between the lopsided areas, but it all really depends on where agents live/work/regularly commute through mainly.
There are many stats you can work on personally, you can work on becoming hyper-efficient about your AP gain, you can plan trips outside your bubble to play on vacations, you could work on most of the badges for different stats...
There are lots of options but it requires self management and the ability to be a little creative.
niantic destroyed many agents' desire to field when they introduced under-field linking. Prove me wrong.
They lost a huge number of players over the last few years because as soon as the players showed up on the map, the opposite faction which outnumbered them attempted to push them out of the game.
You're only upset now that you've lost this power and they're finally losing the remaining tryhard players who already killed off the game years ago through bullying out fresh blood.
It wasn't under field linking that destroyed the game in my area. It was the bullying, being followed by the opposition until you stop playing. Showing up at people's jobs and homes. A lot of people didn't enjoy that type of gameplay so they quit. Leaving me as one of the last players in my area. I get tons of ap now and I don't have to leave my neighborhood. They all come to me because there's nothing else for them to do in their own neighborhoods. They waste all their gas and time and I just walk out and take it all back and get all the AP. So when this poster complains about having no opposition there's definitely more to the story. Having no competition is indicative of a problem.
The answer is obvious... you need to move to an area that has active competition. Really, what could be more important than Ingress in deciding where you should live?
I'm joking, but I'll admit that this discussion makes me appreciate living in a large metropolitan area with a lot of active competition. I've been on a huge smashing run since I recursed, though, so I doubt my opponents appreciate it as much a I do right now. (-:
In my AO nobody really plays on either side, so new agents would have a field day!
Just as I suspected, the guy trying to argue on behalf of "founders" as a matter of authority to **** down ideas, doesn't play, nor does anyone they associate with.
Thanks for confirming.
Many of the real old timers are gone, so many of the newer players have no clue. This game was originally all about bullying.
You wanted your faction to win; you BAF'd, you attacked, you blocked, you did the needful to get victory for your team.
Look where all this "kumbaya"gress has gotten the game. It's deąd as fried chicken.
Hey Joe, if it's so dead and unappealing to you, shouldn't you go find something that you actually enjoy doing instead? Or is your new game forum-ing? This whole let's dump your negativity here gets to be pretty old.
Many people still really enjoy Ingress, even as their primary or secondary AR game.
We live in different realities @joecain.
First, I just scrolled the comm activity in my area and looked at the last ten names I saw. More than half of them had a badge that marks them as being old-school, either verified, founder, eve, or an early year-X badge. The newest one I saw was year 6.
Second, the game was not originally all about bullying and still isn't... it's about competing for control of the playfield. Sometimes people stoop to actual bullying, and that's happened to me somewhat recently, but I would not consider fielding, smashing, or blocking to be bullying. Any of those things CAN be bullying, generally if they're persistent and targeted at an individual, but competing by doing those things isn't fundamentally bullying any more than capturing an opponent's pieces in chess or raising in poker is bullying.
If competing is bullying then I'm one of the biggest bullies of all... in the last month I've destroyed 21,695 resos and neutralized 3,534 portals. You can take out the 358 Machina resos destroyed and 45 Machina portals neutralized if you want to focus only on competition against human players.
@Hosette I think we're saying the same thing about "competing" and "bullying". I agree that harassment is taking it too far; my local res agents were trained that is not acceptable.
And despite what some think, I am aware that there are still some AOs with plenty of activity. And you will be playing with basically no communication with or from niantic.
I had a peek at the Ingress YouTube channel. The last video was a year ago. Four videos in the past two years. Brian only posts in the support forums here, and thia is basically AWOL on the forums.
If that's OK with you, or you think it's going to get better one day, then soldier on. I tend to see the writing on the wall and simply want niantic to either acknowledge that, or share their game plan for turning ingress around.
As an agent with one of the oldest accounts, I want (and would feel better if other agents demanded) niantic held to a higher level of commitment to the game and the community. It can never be how it was, but they can do better.
It makes me sad that Niantic has essentially put Ingress on life support and that they are pretty much incommunicado when it comes to the players. It makes me sad that the game is stagnating and that I don't think they have a path to turning it around. Lack of communication and respect for their players has been a constant with Niantic throughout its history, and while I would love to see that change I don't expect that leopard to change its spots.
I think I kind of understand the lack of investment, though. Ingress ha a fairly small revenue stream compared to the rest of their portfolio, and while they've found some ways to monetize it the player base isn't large enough for it to be a cash cow. My gut tells me that Niantic is in the money hospital right now, based partially on Hanke's statement when they laid off a quarter of the company that their expenses had grown faster than their revenue. They've invested in several games that haven't turned into significant revenue streams (HPWU, NBA All-World, Catan, others). I have no idea how Peridot, MH Now, and Pikmin are doing financially but they certainly aren't taking the world by storm the way PoGo did. They seem to have thrown most of the company's resources into AR, and my experience with Peridot tells me that the technology isn't really ready for that. My Pixel 8 Pro bogged down after 10-15 minutes of play, and if a flagship phone can't keep going for very long I can't imagine what it's like on an inexpensive one.
[My personal take: They need game designers that can make the stock gameplay fun rather than monotonous. PoGo's slot machine aspect for getting rare critters helps some, and new critters get players excited for a bit, but for a long time I've mostly opened the app just long enough to do the daily tasks and then I was done. Peridot is visually appealing but mostly you're breeding and raising new dots and that gets both boring and expensive pretty quickly. I got bored with PIkmin pretty quickly because there was no strategy and it felt like doing the same thing over and over but with slightly different flowers. HPWU was... well, pretty much the same thing.]
The thing about Ingress is that competing for territory is a reward in and of itself, but creates sweet spot in terms of player activity... too little activity makes the game boring, and too much would make it unplayable. As a mental exercise imagine what would happen to Ingress if it got the same rush of players that PoGo got at launch.. the playfield would be constant chaos. It's worse, though, because they need to hit that sweet spot basically everywhere and not just overall . Having an optimal level of player activity in London doesn't make Topeka an interesting place to play.
TL;dr: Niantic isn't investing much in Ingress, and while I don't like that I understand the business decision. I think they're living off of one big hit and struggling to find their path to future success, but they've thrown a lot of stuff at the wall and so far nothing has really stuck. I sincerely hope they figure it out because I want them to be successful... and I also hope they find a way to make Ingress a viable ongoing product.
Yes without marketing the game and changing the formula, like the last update on ios that mentions "analyst scheme so they can better understand agents game action" what exactly do they mean with that ? Its obvious many agents dont care for the MU cell play as it doesnt affect either team if u loose or win or its something else... But after 10+ years this game needs something new to attract more players but again they dont seem to be doing any ads even on their youtube channels and whatever.. it costs them nothing to post there but i guess they dont have anyone on their team to dedicate time for that or their hands are tied by Hanke who knows..
What is the current lore ? Where are daily/weekly tasks, fitrep i guess they couldnt figure out what rewards give end of week based on how much u walked even... look the q1 calendar, where are all event ? hardly any anomalies either and they are so far off from most players...... It was also bad a big chunk of employees had to leave like ofer2 etc :/
I doubt also the raised price in core has changed much, will they increase it even more this year to try get in more money ? Even the new monster hunter game i bet does ten times more revenue by now after just a few months.
For ingress it seems the big focus is just scanning and they try develop more AR stuff into the game which most agents find boring and a chore to do only and has nothing to do with gameplay.
Agents must, through their actions, draw the company's attention to the problems of the game. For example, in a coordinated manner reduce online activity (everyone stop playing together) for a couple of days. Then maybe Brian and other experts would start a dialogue on the forum, having learned about our problems. Maybe we should still organize a boycott so that they will finally listen to us?
Stop buying their swag, subscribing to core, and buying items in the ingress store.
Do this until *someone* from niantic gives their plan for improvement and responding to player feedback.
Stop rewarding them for this complete radio silence.
Not a dead game when you promote it effectively.
That is what Niantic has done an awful job of doing.
Before COVID there was a summer in my home Metro system where it was nothing but pokego advertising.
Equal time Niantic for what is a superior game.
How about you just boycott because you have brought up the idea more than once.
Hint: It did nothing with Pokémon Go.
I abandoned the game a long time ago, I’m offended by what the developers turned it into. Once a month I log in to enter codes and that’s it.
@GreenVam Why do you stick around in the forum for a game you abandoned?