[Change] Shift AP bonuses for portal resonator placements
Right now you get a large boost for driving around and capturing portals without fully building them. It's more rewarding timewise to just single pin portals while on the move versus walking and building things fully.
We should be encouraging/rewarding building things up fully and making it worth sticking around to fully deploy a portal. Give the walkgress crowd a reward for putting in the physical effort.
Shift the AP bonuses around a little:
Resonator 1: New: 125AP Old: 125AP + 675AP
Resonator 2: 125AP
Resonator 3: 125AP
Resonator 4: New: 125AP + 250AP Old: 125AP
Resonator 5: 125AP
Resonator 6: 125AP
Resonator 7: 125AP
Resonator 8: New: 125AP + 675AP Old: 125AP + 250AP
You still receive the same AP overall, but the rewards are for 4th/8th deploy instead of the 1st/8th.
Single-capping is a legitimate way to play just like fully deploying is. If you think that fully deploying a portal should have a larger bonus then increase the bonus for deploying the 8th resonator, but don't reduce the initial capture.
I think it would be fun to have an AP bonus for unique captures. That would increase the incentive to explore new areas.
It would still be a legitimate way to play, the AP rewards for deploying would remain the same overall. You'll just need to single-pin a couple more portals for similar AP.
I do like a bonus for uniques, good incentive to leave your normal playzone.
It is useless to fully deploy a portal if you don't intend to link. Fully deployed portals facilitate shitlinks.
@KonnTower I'm not sure I understand why you think there should be more of an incentive for fully deploying than there is now, or more precisely why you think not fully deploying should be rewarded less than it is now. If your goal is to encourage more walking then I can say with certainty that single deploys do more to promote that than fully deploys do. I just spent ten days wandering around London, Hannover, and Amsterdam, and I can single cap without breaking my stride but fully deploying requires me to stop walking because the server interaction is too slow to fully deploy while walking briskly.
It seems like you want to create an incentive because it's the way that you like to play, and because you don't like that others play differently... is there more to it than that?
There was already an added bonus to AP during covid which Ingress made that permanent:
I don't know why you think this is something for cargress versus walkgress. The people who walkgress know the clusters to microfield. The game has also always awarded more for building versus destroying.
The only way I'd be good with this, is if Niantic would effing fix the effing laggg. Fully deploying portals gets old with the laggg. But still a silly idea and we all know they aren't fixing the lagggggggg.
i don't want to have to fully deployed every portals that's just more derplinks anchors.