Push notification text error on Simplified Chinese iPhone

This bug has been around for several months, but it seems nobody has posted it yet.

My iPhone language is Simplified Chinese, and there is at least one type of push notification that are not correctly displayed. For this type of alert:

The push notification of the alert looks like this:

The English text of the alert is "Unique Portal nearby".

However, I am not sure whether this is the only type of notification that's not correctly displayed. I do know such notification errors do not exist around one or two years ago, so please check all new alerts that's been added recently.

5 votes

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  • Some of my friends say the "Machina portals nearby" alerts are also not correctly displayed. So maybe this bug affects the "Nearby Alerts" in Adventure Sync settings?

  • This bug has not been fixed in the latest version 2.136.1

  • This is a weird bug, very annoying

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