Intentionally removed portal
Opposite faction keeps removing legit portal, this happenes 5-6th time already. Portal has safe access and does not violate any rule. It had overclock enabled, and it got delated within a day, for no reason.
I see this as a clear wayfarer abuse, all done (I suspect) via pokemon GO accounts, so nicknames are not shown on portals.
I can send more portal related data, if necessary.
Portal name: Tabliczka Aleja Wilanowska
I confirm this is not the first time this has happened! 😐
That was good portal. Why it has been removed?
You should post this on the Wayfarer forums. This is not the right place for this. The Wayfarer team does not engage on Ingress forums.
I find this Wayfarer forums to much slow. I've posted some of the removed or moved portals we have here I live. More than 2 weeks, 1 month and no responses. I send the portal again and again from inside Ingress game... Nia needs to improve this system as most of these kind of requests are from players taking some revenge from legit playing that them do not want to, but the other faction does a lot
The Wayfarer team does not read the Ingress forums, and the Ingress team doesn't touch the Wayfarer systems. Posting here will not action anything.