New Wayspots to India - Disadvantaged Ingress players.
This is the worst dump, most of the new wayspots are generic general stores, some of them even don't exist at the designated location. Why these are only to Pokemon Go but not to Ingress. At the least, add temples, churches and mosques in this dump also to Ingress.
Some of my in voting nominations are in the new dump, so they get rejected as duplicates.
So, what's the point of wayfarer.
This is a huge hit to Indian wayfarer community as well.
The nominations are going to trickle if not stop completely as most of the submissions are from PokemonGo players in India as the imported pokestops are dense enough to occupy most of the cells. I logged into my PoGo Account after long time to check and was pleasantly surprised at the density of new stops around me.
New submissions or newly eligible players might get inspired to submit more coal.
I feel the new submissions now might only be from gated communities where these imports didn't spawn. All around the main roads every eligible cell seems to be active with an imported wayspot.
No further incentive to submit an open gym/gazebo in local park. No more temples and mosques. every non existing temple/mosque/church seems to have been already imported now. Even if there was an eligible temple/mosque (without any import), there will definitely be a "R K general store" or "A S Realtor" nearby which will discourage any new submission.
and also - no longer PoGo players checking Intel to get the cell information in India. So no incentive for PoGo players to explore Ingress.
You’d be better raising this here;
I first posted in wayfarer only and got no proper response. Since it is Ingress only issue made a post here.