[Solved]New activated portal far way submission location or wayfarer accepted location
[edit] It's been identified as a gps offset problem, not bug of ingress app, solving this with wayfarer now[/edit]
I have recently got a portal nomination accepted by wayfarer and online in Ingress game. But it's location in Ingress game is far way from where I submitted it or where it was accepted by wayfarer.
Distance to the nearest portal is around 100 meters.
Is it a bug of Ingress game or wayfarer?
When a nomination is accepted, is the location in wayfarer page the accepted location? and should it be same as the location in Ingress game?
Can not post image due to error message:{You have to be around for a little while longer before you can post links.} 😂
Post edited by wych42 on
reviewers can change the correct location if misplaced.
your location isn't always where it ends, especially if not on correct place.
what's the poi / location ?
seems I still cannot post images and links, here's a post at wayfarer with image: https://community.wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/discussion/47575/new-activated-portal-far-way-submission-location-or-wayfarer-accepted-location#latest
The poi is actually located near by this portal: https://intel.ingress.com/?pll=31.213657,121.528508 with name of 蓝村路双拥一条街 , inside a community that not restrict outsider's access.
The portal was brought online at https://intel.ingress.com/?pll=31.212042,121.532416