AR lightship mesh completely broken on S20 FE

Few months ago mapping with mesh enabled got completely broken. The mesh is drawn in the face rather than on the surface as intended. Because of that overclock feature is broken as it's not drawn.

Similar problem with wayfarer app where I see lots of black dots on the screen when mapping.

I am using an S20 FE running Android 13 with One UI 5.1

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  • Small update, I tried Google's AR depth lab app which has meshing and it works fine so I am assuming something broke on the lightship side.

  • Turns out I needed to clear all data so it redownload the lightship data and it's fixed now

  • GrogyanGrogyan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2023

    Please provide a screenshot if possible

    However I had a similar issue myself, and I had to to clear Ingress app data, then re-download the Niantic AR package then it worked fine

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