Kinetic Capsule Program: Portal Keys to Portal Keys
It's been more than 3 months since we don't have quantum capsules and we can't reproduce keys, reproducing keys has always been essential for operations with strategic portals.
Less important programs have been prioritized. We hope that they will prioritize the implementation of the program to reproduce keys.
It is good to have improvements in the game but more important not to leave behind what we already have.
So nia... Do something! 😏
Muy cierto el comentario. Era muy buena la opción de duplicar ítems. 1ro se nos quitó la opción de duplicar elementos very. Solo nos quedó la duplicación de llaves o portal key. Ahora se nos quitó la única opción que se tenía. Niantic devuelva la opción de duplicar portal keys, para operaciones con portales estratégicos es necesaria.
That's just lazyness.
if the portal is hard to reach/use, there shouldn't be an effortless source of keys.
NIA, we need you to speed in implementing a tool similar a QUANTUM to make the game more fun, because INGRESS becomes monotonous without the essential instruments 😔. We want to continue to support and play, as well as create memories and experiences when we do Operations. 🤗
This new change from Niantic is only suitable for fakes, who can stock up on keys from faraway places whenever they want.
Another thread with the endlessly recurring theme of, we want free keys again. Don't make us go hack them, give us a way to reproduce them at our leisure. And we promise not to abuse whatever mechanism you give us. Trust us, really, just because kinetics are incredibly easy to abuse we would never do that for keys...
For a long time this valuable option that allowed us to reproduce really important keys was taken away from us, you told us that you are working on a new way of doing it but so far they have focused on multiple things that leave out something very important.🤬
Or perhaps they have changed their minds and key duplication is in the past.
I wonder if the forum admin would consider adding a new subcategory to group all the key duplication threads into.
We don't need another useless tag
Don't need yet another repetitive duping thread either, but we got a new one today.
You can ignore them.
True, but perhaps they deserve a place of their own to share and ask endlessly for its return.
@P4rzivall writes:
reproducing keys has always been essential for operations with strategic portals.
That is factually inaccurate. I did lots of ops with strategic portals long before MUFG (later renamed Quantum) capsules existed. If we needed keys to strategic portals then we either figured out how to get people there to farm them or we arranged a network of travelers to get them from the origin to the destination. Here's one real-life example of how keys traveled:
This particular one was a bit more extreme than most because of recharge range issues but it was quite common to recruit travelers to mule keys for ops, and doing this was part of planning an op.
MUFG capsules were introduced in 2015 and effectively changed the strategic portal game to easy mode. Players no longer had to work hard to get more keys to durable portals, and they no longer had to budget their use of them. You needed 20 keys to a portal for an op? No problem... the team had hundreds of them floating around and they could grow those 20 back in days.
If you've only ever done ops on key-duping easy mode then I understand why losing key duplication would be frustrating. The reality is that key duplication has broken the game by making it too easy to use super durable portals... some of which are essentially inaccessible. Removing key duplication hasn't solved that problem because high-value portals now have thousands of duped keys floating around but at least the situation is no longer getting worse.
Ideas under consideration include refining Portal Mods into Resonator or XMPs, and Portal Keys to Portal Keys.
Guess they considered it and decided "No."?
I would wait a bit more on seeing what Niantic said...