Key Duping - Gone for Good? Will a Kinetic program ever happen?
Considering it's been months since Quantums went away and there has been no mention of a key duping program in Kinetics since a brief line in one of the announcements that Quantums were going away before they did, is it safe to assume that idea has been shelved?
I've been avoiding using the rare kinetics I have in the apparently vain hope that a key duping program was on the horizon but the more time passes the less it seems likely.
Kinda wish we'd had maybe a little more heads up that key duping was going away permanently, there are a bunch of hard-to-get keys I wouldn't have recycled back when I was slimming down my inventory to head to an anomaly in LA last November had I known it would mean another hike to the top of a mountain to get more.
I know there are a lot of people on this forum who have expressed their opinion in a negative way toward key duping, but I wonder if that's the consensus of the majority or the opinion of a vocal minority? Would be cool if we could do a poll...
My suggestion for a recipe resembles:
There's some amount of kinks to work out, such as how to keep the Kkap from acting like a "freebie" key locker. But that's just details...
You want a kinetic capsule to dupe a key, ok fine I can agree to that, but the distance required to complete the cap should be equal to your distance from the portal you want the key to. That seems a bit more in line with the game intent right?
Wow, new item idea. A variable length kinetic key capsule. You place the keys you want to duplicate in the capsule. Keys cannot be removed till you open the capsule at which point it resets to zero km. Now which key duplicates depends entirely on how much you walk before opening it. When you open it, the key that closest matches but does not exceed your walked distance is duplicated.
No key dupes please, go out and hack more.
No VR gear dupes please, go out and hack more.
Agree with the two above, eliminate duping as it is an unnecessary drain on the servers. Let's get back to the basics and make hacking and cooperative farming a thing again.
But Niantic wants to sell you kinetic capsules…
yes but not to craft more keys
So basically the stance is "Make hacking great again" sounds familiar.
Nothing wrong with just going back to basics.
You will get your portal key much faster if you hack it than if you wait a day to duplicate it.
Too far?
That's not an option.
The distance is the value of the portal key for you.
We are not the kind of people who are currently on social networking sites screaming spam words and agitating for irrelevant accounts.
Key Duping with KC-> NO! If you want keys, go out and physically hack keys. Time to move!
Maybe it's still under consideration. Like thia's Q2 roadmap from last year.
Key duping is gone, and for the betterment of the game. Remember it fondly if you choose, but it's gone and we need to just accept the new conditions. The days of near unlimited free keys are over. Stick a fork in the subject, it's done.
The biggest flaw in this is encouraging people to hold 100 keys to a single portal. I know you're thinking "No, 100 different keys" but that's not how the minds of people demanding key duplication work. Law of unintended consequences in play.
They could also do that by making tap hacking more effective, or glyphing less effective. Part of the problem with the gameplay loops of today is the encouragement to sit in one place for glyphing, which causes people to build up far more reliance on individual portals for keys.
Exactly. Glyph hacking has been overpowered BROKEN for years. Encourage people to hack many portals a week.
I mean that's pretty much going for the hacker badge tiers.
Natural Hacker progress died for pretty much everyone when Glyphing ramped up output and made it's own badge.
Glyphing doesn't change the speed of hacking...if you said hack mods, sure.
It changes it massively if there's a line of 60 portals that you want to hack once each (getting way off topic, I know).
Glyphing most certainly changes the speed of hacking.
So, I have no idea where you're getting the idea from. Hacker progress dramatically slowed when Glyphing became worthwhile and then essentially mandatory for the type of person who actually thinks about achieving Onyx Hacker.
The only way you can not be slowed, is by intentionally not glyphing, which while a choice, is not one that people naturally make.
Crafting Frackers is far more beneficial than Portal keys.
You can then use said fracker, to farm a tonne of portal keys