Feature requests: sort keys by faction, upgrade shields
I have been playing this game for years and will probably never stop.
The only two simple features I have ever wanted added are the ability to sort my keys by faction for easier recharging and a way that I can upgrade defenses similar to the way that you can upgrade resonators.
Likely neither will ever be added.
I would like upgrade shields feature.
I would also like to sort keys by # of keys in possession.
I need to have key sorting option by portal level, to recharge high-level portals
Feature request> a game that works 100% of the time 🤞🤞🤞🤞
I'd just like them to fix the lag. It sounded like quantums were to blame but it's now obvious that wasn't the case.
I understand that sorting has to be based on a parameter that is locally stored on your ingress prime client. So, by name is sortable as is distance (because the location is locally stored).
So, what I would like is the ability to custom rename a portal key so that I can then sort by name in the order I want.
Maybe something like tags/favourites would be easier.
I'd like the ability to FAVORITE a key, so I won't accidentally delete it. PoGo has had a favorite button on all pokemon forever. Same idea.
My copypasta response to this request.
Yes! I'd love that.
I'd also love sorting keys by "xm left to be fully recharged".
Other sort methods such as available keys and portal level could be handy too.
Good idea, but it's a pity that Niantics don't read their forums and can't take this idea into account.
So funny, I make a comment that says I want the game to work 100% of the time, 2 people disagree. You like the broken game? Please explain
I'm not one of those two people but your comment wasn't on-topic for this thread, was it? Sounds like you were just trying to stir things up. By all means start a new one if you want to discuss that.
You're assuming that it's a zero sum game, and getting a feature means not getting performance fixes.
You're not getting the performance improvements whether they implement the feature or not. 😉
I understand how it seems like that but simply I'm making the case for having a working game before adding anything else, which is on topic. The game can't handle deploying at speed without failing, many in game actions can cause the game to stop working. New things just put pressure on the system that already can't handle it.
[citation needed]
What matters is the server making requests. We went through days of disruption in the past and received an updated intel with portal history. Sure, you could argue after the fact but it was a nice thing to natively have.
Upgrade shields is a terrible idea, in my opinion. It will allow a dominant faction to rebuild at low risk with low level portals then fortify later. This would make “insurgent” play less effective and reduce competition and engagement.
I'm thinking that may be true in some situations. But really, that is more the tactic the insurgents would use. The dominant would retake and fortify immediately to maintain control.